What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

Exactly, and let's not forget Obama was our first half-Kenyan president ... so much for "all American" and the perversion of natural born citizen.
It doesn't bother you that he had no intention of releasing his taxes and lied over and over again when he said he would, just to get elected?

This is not the same thing as saying "I promise to improve the economy." This is specifically promising to release particular information and then reneging on that promise.

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No one cares about his taxes except those looking for any glimmer of hope that they can dig up some dirt. And make no mistake, it is like a carbon arc light how desperate you are.
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Then why the extreme effort to hide them from us?

Why the extreme effort to invade someone's privacy? If Trump did something wrong, do you not trust the IRS to act? Most of our tax returns are unworthy of the extra vigilance that you can be assured Trump's returns get ... maybe you should try getting his level of scrutiny. Why single out the president for public scrutiny ... why not all elected officials ... especially the career politicians?
Then why the extreme effort to hide them from us?

If Cummings can subpoena the workpapers from Trump's accountants, then what would prevent him (Cummings) from demanding the workpapers from any accountant, anywhere, that has prepared a tax return for any republican? Cummings' power is about policy not criminal investigation. He is abusing this power and your stupid party is about to open Pandora's $hit box. Ask yourself, who else has or will have subpoena power and what tax workpapers and returns could they demand soon? Everyone will have to put their cards (financial info) on the table from the president all the way down to alderman in Bug Tussle, KY.
If Cummings can subpoena the workpapers from Trump's accountants, then what would prevent him (Cummings) from demanding the workpapers from any accountant, anywhere, that has prepared a tax return for any republican? Cummings' power is about policy not criminal investigation. He is abusing this power and your stupid party is about to open Pandora's $hit box. Ask yourself, who else has or will have subpoena power and what tax workpapers and returns could they demand soon? Everyone will have to put their cards (financial info) on the table from the president all the way down to alderman in Bug Tussle, KY.

Then change the statute.

While you bought into the hilarious lie by Trump the he had no ties to Russia and his campaign had no contact with Russia, you guys are on now on your soap box here every day parsing the legality of a ton of such contacts and ties and excusing them because they are technically not illegal.

Same here. He can get them because he is legally entitled to get them.
Then change the statute.

While you bought into the hilarious lie by Trump the he had no ties to Russia and his campaign had no contact with Russia, you guys are on now on your soap box here every day parsing the legality of a ton of such contacts and ties and excusing them because they are technically not illegal.

Same here. He can get them because he is legally entitled to get them.
Then change the statute.

While you bought into the hilarious lie by Trump the he had no ties to Russia and his campaign had no contact with Russia, you guys are on now on your soap box here every day parsing the legality of a ton of such contacts and ties and excusing them because they are technically not illegal.

Same here. He can get them because he is legally entitled to get them.
According to the DNA test...…..LG.......you ARE the Black Knight. DGU, DEGU!
"I'm under a routine audit, and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released"

---Trump at the first presidential debate

I continue to be mystified by the lack of either an explanation for this or concern as to what he does not want us to see. Tax returns for presidential candidates are routinely disclosed. It sure looked at the time like Trump was hiding something. He was uncomfortable with the question and his demeanor was clearly evasive.

A routine audit would have been long ago finished. And if it wasn't, the WH could just say so. IMO this is a campaign promise which the press and both the GOP and the Dems should require that he honor.

I couldn't care less about his taxes or any other president or congressman. We are not owed that politicians personal lives be an open book to us. Nothing more than "Overturn the Election: Part II".
Then change the statute.

While you bought into the hilarious lie by Trump the he had no ties to Russia and his campaign had no contact with Russia, you guys are on now on your soap box here every day parsing the legality of a ton of such contacts and ties and excusing them because they are technically not illegal.

Same here. He can get them because he is legally entitled to get them.

Then tax returns will be subpoenaed all over the country. There will be no such thing as financial privacy. Any workpaper and communication between a tax preparer and client can be pulled for political reasons, not legal.
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Then change the statute.

While you bought into the hilarious lie by Trump the he had no ties to Russia and his campaign had no contact with Russia, you guys are on now on your soap box here every day parsing the legality of a ton of such contacts and ties and excusing them because they are technically not illegal.

Same here. He can get them because he is legally entitled to get them.

You seem to have bought into the lie that it's illegal or incriminating to have contact with Russians.
Don't complain when others remind you they told you it was a lie for the past three years.
The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.
The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.

Let’s see the pdf of your tax returns for the past 5 years.
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The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.

The only reason the left wants it is to use anything they can as ammo in their 24/7 news and left wing propaganda machine . They will have hundreds of “ tax experts “ telling all the good little sheeple what this could possibly , probably , maybe , for sure means and since you are all more than willing to gobble it all up because your TDS overrides the logic part of of your brains .. Trumps not giving them to you . He’s a lot nicer bout it than I’d be to you after having a giant federal magnifying glass shoved up his butt for some stupid Russian hoax . I’d give you the ole middle finger and tell you to pound sand . But I hold grudges soooo .
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The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.

And Trump had to be colluding with Russia, too. Only he wasn't according to Mueller.

Maybe the reason he doesn't want to turn over his tax returns is principle? Why should he hand over private documents in what is an obvious political stunt? Dems are wanting to dig, hoping and praying they can find something to use against him. This isn't about justice or investigating an actual crime, this is about abusing government power solely for political purposes. They have no actual basis for demanding his tax returns. He filed them, the IRS apparently didn't flag them, no crime has been committed. Nothing suggests wrongdoing. Even more laughable is that the "lawyers" on the board think this is okay.
The only reason you go so far to prevent people from seeing your taxes is because you have something to hide, plain and simple.

Being "under an audit" is just another of Trumps countless lies. Even Barry released his taxes, there is literally no excuse for orange clown, that is Trump.

And Trump had to be colluding with Russia, too. Only he wasn't according to Mueller.

Maybe the reason he doesn't want to turn over his tax returns is principle? Why should he hand over private documents in what is an obvious political stunt? Dems are wanting to dig, hoping and praying they can find something to use against him. This isn't about justice or investigating an actual crime, this is about abusing government power solely for political purposes. They have no actual basis for demanding his tax returns. He filed them, the IRS apparently didn't flag them, no crime has been committed. Nothing suggests wrongdoing. Even more laughable is that the "lawyers" on the board think this is okay.
You seem to have bought into the lie that it's illegal or incriminating to have contact with Russians.
Don't complain when others remind you they told you it was a lie for the past three years.

You seem to have bought into his first lie that he had no contact with Russians, as well as his second lie that his campaign had no contact with Russians.

If Trump supporters are going to believe all his lies then just ignore them when exposed, tell us now. It will save a lot of time.

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