What is really going on with Trump's taxes?

Well you seem to have convinced yourself of that. Was it racist in the case of McCain also? I guess not since he wasn’t the first old white dude considered.

And apparently the sole difference you see in comparison of the two is... race?

But we are the racist ones. 🙄

Racists typically claim they aren't racist. Especially before they then say something racist.

And again, no one questioned where McCain was born. That was already public knowledge. They questioned whether that was considered to be a "natural born citizen" or not. That was the entirety of the debate. What the legal definition of "natural born citizen" means. Nothing else.

No one questioned whether or not McCain was actually born in the Panama Canal Zone. No one ever insinutated than McCain (or his parents) lied about the location where he was born. They couldn't be any further different in scenarios.
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If it wasn't racist, then can someone please provide me a reason why Obama's birth certificate was even in question? What legitimate reason would anyone have that would put into question whether or not he was born in Hawaii?
You quoted the wrong post you dolt. Again.

Or you suck at comprehension. You can pick which.
lol....I think it's you. I'll try to explain it quickly
Hogg said Obama wasn't forced and neither was anyone else. Insinuating Trump shouldn't be forced because no one else has been. My point was ....read it slowly....that had Obama promised repeatedly (as did Trump) then the expectation of him releasing it would have gone up substantially. Maybe even to the point of force.

Racists typically claim they aren't racist. Especially before they then say something racist.

And again, no one questioned where McCain was born. That was already public knowledge. They questioned whether that was considered to be a "natural born citizen" or not. They couldn't be any further different in scenarios.
Incorrect. They are directly applicable since the question revolves around “natural born citizen”. On McCain the birth place was accepted. On Obama like it or not the birth place was questioned. Thus the rest of your argument is ****.

And your assertion that the rationale that the questioning must be race related without proof of such is also ****

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lol....I think it's you. I'll try to explain it quickly
Hogg said Obama wasn't forced and neither was anyone else. Insinuating Trump shouldn't be forced because no one else has been. My point was ....read it slowly....that had Obama promised repeatedly (as did Trump) then the expectation of him releasing it would have gone up substantially. Maybe even to the point of force.

Nah I’ll stand pat.
Yes. How many others were forced to produce a birth certificate?
My point is that, just like the tax return crap, it is all political theater. Republicans went after President Obama the same way democrats did George Romney.
The democrats were trying to hurt Trump because he probably pays less than Luther in taxes. He gave the ammo by agreeing to release them and then not doing it.
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Racists typically claim they aren't racist. Especially before they then say something racist.

And again, no one questioned where McCain was born. That was already public knowledge. They questioned whether that was considered to be a "natural born citizen" or not. That was the entirety of the debate. What the legal definition of "natural born citizen" means. Nothing else.

No one questioned whether or not McCain was actually born in the Panama Canal Zone. No one ever insinutated than McCain (or his parents) lied about the location where he was born. They couldn't be any further different in scenarios.
It is my experience that racist accuse others of being racist. Also, were the democrats racist for going after Mitt's dad for his citizenship?
Incorrect. They are directly applicable since the question revolves around “natural born citizen”. On McCain the birth place was accepted. On Obama like it or not the birth place was questioned. Thus the rest of your argument is ****.

And your assertion that the rationale that the questioning must be race related without proof of such is also ****


They are not even remotely the same.

It isn't hard to comprehend. No was questioning the exact location where McCain was born, whether he or his family was lying about it. They were literally debating the legal basis of the phrase "natural born citizen." That. Was. It.

It was a political strategy that was in poor taste, but it was grounded in legal basis. They even passed a resolution for it.

There was ZERO reason to question whether or not Obama was actually born in Hawaii. Nothing but racist right wing nut jobs who were afraid of a black man finally becoming POTUS, and started fabricating lies online.
They are not even remotely the same.

It isn't hard to comprehend. No was questioning the exact location where McCain was born, whether he or his family was lying about it. They were literally debating the legal basis of the phrase "natural born citizen." That. Was. It.

It was a political strategy that was in poor taste, but it was grounded in legal basis. They even passed a resolution for it.

There was ZERO reason to question whether or not Obama was actually born in Hawaii. Nothing but racist right wing nut jobs who were afraid of a black man finally becoming POTUS, and started fabricating lies online.
Lol... ok.
It is my experience that racist accuse others of being racist. Also, were the democrats racist for going after Mitt's dad for his citizenship?

Again, it's a situation of questioning the legal basis for the phrase "natural born citizen" and not questioning if he was actually born in the place he said he was.

But to answer your question, yes, I would say most Dems in 1967 were racist, like probably 90% of the people in 1967. It was the Civil Rights Era after all.
Please then, provide me the reason why Obama being born in Hawaii is or ever was in question?
I don’t care where he was born. I’m attacking your proposition that it’s all about racism. It’s definitely political as was McCain’s won’t even argue that. You’re FOS on the racism assertion. But that’s the goto idiot lib card.
I don’t care where he was born. I’m attacking your proposition that it’s all about racism. It’s definitely political as was McCain’s won’t even argue that. You’re FOS on the racism assertion. But that’s the goto idiot lib card.

LOL on lib card. You clearly haven't read any other of my posts.

He was the running to be the 1st black POTUS. All of a sudden there is a question about the location he was actually born for zero reason whatsoever, with the most popular theory saying he was from Kenya. These same people also call him a Muslim, despite no evidence of that either (not that his religion should even matter).

But sure, not racist at all..........

LOL on lib card. You clearly haven't read any other of my posts.

He was the 1st black POTUS. All of a sudden there is a question about the location he was actually born, with the most popular theory saying he was from Kenya. These same people also call him a Muslim, despite no evidence of that either (not that his religion should even matter).

But sure, not racist at all..........
I think it started prior to his election.

And I’m still waiting on proof other than your opinion.

As far as whether you’re a lib or not:
Walks like a duck
Talks like a duck
Looks like a duck

You’re a duck in here dude that’s fairly clear.
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So does the Manhattan District Attorney Office.

The IRS has the job of overseeing tax fraud AND keeping our tax information confidential. If the Manhattan DA has Trump's tax info, then their real job should be prosecuting the source of the leak; Trump's leaked tax information still isn't their problem.
Also, I have no doubt Trump is involved in some shady stuff and his taxes likely link him to it, which is why he didn't want them released. Though, I don't believe that they'll ever find anything to stick as being illegal.

You don't become a billionaire as a business man without doing some shady ****.

Very possibly correct - which brings up the real point. Why are we neglecting members of congress who made millions doing our business and targeting a guy who made millions as a businessman?
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Yes. How many others were forced to produce a birth certificate?

You don't see the lack of a real vetting process before a prospect can actually run for office? We haven't even bothered over the years to decide what “natural born citizen” actually means, or why that standard was applied to candidates for President. There are a lot of clues about the meaning from the time period when the Constitution was written - mostly ignored these days. BTW Chester A. Arthur was possibly the first non eligible president, but we've kicked the can down the road for so long most people just don't care. It will bite us one day.
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They were trying to de-legitimize him based on a technicality (and they were wrong to do so). They weren't any questions on where he had been born. Seriously, what legitimate reason was there to assume Obama was not born in Hawaii?

If I remember correctly there was a legitimate question on whether his mother was in the states at the time of his birth.

However IMO it was a stupid endeavor to question Obama's citizenship just as it was to question McCains.
If it wasn't racist, then can someone please provide me a reason why Obama's birth certificate was even in question? What legitimate reason would anyone have that would put into question whether or not he was born in Hawaii?

Biggest reason IMO is he repeatedly refused to release it. To me that conspiracy could have been put to rest within 5 minutes after Hillary's team created it.
If I remember correctly there was a legitimate question on whether his mother was in the states at the time of his birth.

However IMO it was a stupid endeavor to question Obama's citizenship just as it was to question McCains.
McCain was born outside the US while his father was a US soldier. I suppose you could go around and around about that, but I sure the SCOTUS would rule in favor of the kid born outside the US as being a natural born US citizen. If the kid decided to take a dual citizenship things might be different.
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