What must be done to Unite the Country

Cool. I would have never guessed reading your sophomoric posts. You're the one who should research posting history. Your claims are silly and immature. Grow up
Go review your post that started out interacting tonight. You were mad and misread my post then went all internet tough girl. It’s interesting that you now think anyone needs to grow up. I’ll leave That for you to work on.

As for me.....to quote Jimmy Buffett “I’m growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is presently stuck, let the winds of change blow over my head, I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead”.
Go review your post that started out interacting tonight. You were mad and misread my post then went all internet tough girl. It’s interesting that you now think anyone needs to grow up. I’ll leave That for you to work on.

As for me.....to quote Jimmy Buffett “I’m growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is presently stuck, let the winds of change blow over my head, I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead”.
Regardless of your ignorant claims, I love the Buffet reference. My wife and I live like we're 20 years younger than our actual age. Without trying
You’re the only one who liked both my replies to the OP.

Kinda makes me wonder if the other guys really believe Impeachment part 2 + 25th amendment prior to 1/20 would bring the country together. 🤣🤣🤣
Sure ..... it’s a great idea.... “let’s preach unity”..... “but act like a bunch of divisive biatches”.....
Go review your post that started out interacting tonight. You were mad and misread my post then went all internet tough girl. It’s interesting that you now think anyone needs to grow up. I’ll leave That for you to work on.

As for me.....to quote Jimmy Buffett “I’m growing older but not up, my metabolic rate is presently stuck, let the winds of change blow over my head, I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead”.
Helpful hint: "internet tough girl" claims doesn't reinforce your opinion. It's indicative of immaturity. I haven't been mad since I weathered an unprofessional command decision by the COO of DynCorp many years ago. Your Buffet reference instills hope for you. Would love to see more of that instead of the hate you ooze for those with whom you disagree ideologically
Helpful hint: "internet tough girl" claims doesn't reinforce your opinion. It's indicative of immaturity. I haven't been mad since I weathered an unprofessional command decision by the COO of DynCorp many years ago. Your Buffet reference instills hope for you. Would love to see more of that instead of the hate you ooze for those with whom you disagree ideologically
You have any idea what Slice believes? Most people here like to assume they do and they’re nearly always wrong.
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The left needs to stop looking at white, heterosexual men as “the enemy.”

^^ is a more appropriate answer for your other thread.

I think the one thing real conservatives can do is realize that Trump isn’t a conservative. There’s no way William F. Buckley or Barry Goldwater would have rallied behind Trump and supported trade protectionism and the massive debt Trump accumulated.
And the Right needs to stop looking at everyone who is not a white heterosexual male as the enemy.
Vote Locally.
Mass information campaigns to educate the populace on the importance of voting locally. Sadly most people I encounter are unaware it actually has more day to day effect on their lives than presidential elections.

Quit believing most of what the MSM tells you. And quit believing anything partisan FACT-CHECK sites like Snopes print.

Anyone remember Susan Rosenberg? An actual domestic terrorist pardoned by Clinton, now helping BLM via Thousand Currents, who directly contributed to Biden & Kamilla's election?
In the absence of a single, universally-agreed definition of "terrorism," it is a matter of subjective determination as to whether the actions for which Rosenberg was convicted and imprisoned — possession of weapons and hundreds of pounds of explosives — should be described as acts of "domestic terrorism."

Uh hmmmm. Yeah Snopes..... Totally subjective. So how can you subjectively allow your politically party to receive support from that (btw I didn't come close to listing all her actual acts of domestic terrorism..., research if you don't know) and then have this reaction to a protest that could be described, as turning into a riot, at best?

Mr. Biden has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism, and he has been urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists and increasing funding to combat them.

President-elect Joe Biden called the violence in Washington, D.C., ‘one of the darkest days in the history of our nation.’

What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent — it was disorder. They weren’t protestors — they were rioters, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists. I wish we could say we couldn’t see it coming, but that isn’t true. We could.
Increase funding to combat them? Maybe both parties agreeing not to accept funding from ideological terrorists would make a more common sense approach than increasing funding to combat them.

Executing Trump, figuratively or literally doesn't begin to unite us.

I don't know how we fix having only 6 independently owned sources of MSM when we had about 25 in the 90's. As it is now we're basically forced to get extreme bi-partisan hyperbole without spending exorbitant amounts of our time researching archived & smaller web sites.
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Helpful hint: "internet tough girl" claims doesn't reinforce your opinion. It's indicative of immaturity. I haven't been mad since I weathered an unprofessional command decision by the COO of DynCorp many years ago. Your Buffet reference instills hope for you. Would love to see more of that instead of the hate you ooze for those with whom you disagree ideologically

Well....what was the command at dyncorp?
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Again, proving my point. You can't come up with a realistic counter to the fact, the KNOWN FACT, there is spite on both sides and they use it to their advantage.

Let's resort to petty insults instead. Not even the "oiling up McDad" level of pettiness I showed this thread, but straight petty in the fact you have no argument against it without invoking "but Trump." And yes, the "but Obama" excuse doesn't work either.

Straight fact, every politician has used hate and spite as a weapon for the past 20 years. Trump used it, Obama used it, Romney used it, Hillary used it, Biden used it, Bush used it, Gore used it, Kerry used it, McCain used it.

Every politician thrives on hate and loves to keep it stirred up. If you can't admit that, you're useless in this thread.

Tribalism, whether political or other basis, is a failed concept without a hate based policy of divide and conquer. Pretty much all our politicians are masters of the game.

I rarely keep up with politicians, so I know little about most, but the the one that struck me as an exception to the hard tribal concept is Tulsi Gabbard.
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It's the problem with revolution. It brings out all the whackos, and you have no way to know which will be wearing the crown when the music stops.

If done French style, you pretty well know who won't be wearing a crown when the music stops.
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Not if you continue to back Trump
Your comment made no sense. Your reply to a guy that has clearly stated that he is a third party voter is to warn him against voting for a major party candidate in Trump.

Its like you went out of your way to be disagreeable in that post for no good reason.
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There's only a handful or 2 of decent legislators on either side of the aisle. That's not nearly enough. Unfortunately, many of us here can't remedy it because of the ideological stranglehold of the state's we live in

The real reason we can't fix it is that the federal government holds an inordinate amount of power - much of it originally (and supposedly in perpetuity) delegated to the states by the founding fathers - one of the major concessions required to entice the original states to unite. The federal government is primarily in the hands of 535 members of congress, and as individuals, we only have a part in selecting three of the 535; in other words, we can't peacefully change a damn thing.
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Get rid of two parties. So then you at least get decent people in.

Stop caring about the party and start caring about the people.

In the long run removing parties makes absolutely no difference. You can only vote for three of the 535 members of congress - that's like gas in a tornado. The real reason for the discontent is that the federal government is trying to pound 330+ M people of assorted shapes and sizes into fixed holes.
I’m going to get hammered for saying this, but the GOP/conservatives needs to drop their pro-life purity test if they’re also going to insist on removing social welfare programs designed to help young, mostly unwed mothers. If you’re going to force someone who’s unprepared to have a baby they can’t afford, then you shouldn’t yank the safety net out from under their feet.
You have a very valid point and I’m straight up red
Please be thoughtful and serious. Thanks

Sadly, not much can be done IMO.

Donald has manufactured this crisis. He did so with malicious intent.

It's always been and always will be all about Donald. Once you see his actions through this prism, everything makes sense.

I'm very concerned we'll see widespread violence and premeditated attacks at state capitals next week. I think quite a few people will die in the name of the "election being stolen from the people".

Sadly, recent events and Trump's entire Presidency have made me understand that a "cult of personality" is 100% a real thing. Some people truly lend themselves to being mindless vassals. Thoughtless sheep. They live their lives with blinders on, and believe whatever it is they're told to believe.

There's no fixing stupid. Darwin was right, though. Some of these people will effectively remove themselves from the gene pool. Hopefully, they won't take too many others with them.

To those here who fail to acknowledge Biden won in a fair election, you're part of the problem.
Stop demonizing freedom and let me keep more of my money. Realize everyone is not equal nor should they be treated as such


Well this explains alot.

Per our Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Wipe your ass with this piece of trash, huh? That nearly 20 people liked your anti-American post is truly disheartening.

Republicans under Trump have become the Radical Right - embracing ideals that are the very antithesis of our national values as established by our Founding Fathers.

The Republican party is truly dead.
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