What must be done to Unite the Country

Amazon manufactures nothing and most of Apple’s products are manufactured in the Far East Of those products claimed to be manufactured in the US many are just assembly plants of imported components
You can't go anywhere without seeing an Amazon truck or warehouse, have you ever seen a Facebook warehouse or a UPS truck delivering a Facebook web page? Amazon creates value, FB creates nothing, they sell advertising and their members information.
Apple sells physical things like phones, computers and tablets no matter where they are made. Explain to me how the vaporware companies make anything other than web pages?
Tariffs were addressing this, but not in the way most think. Mostly with China, but the reboot of NAFTA took care of local trade. *sigh* Now it is back to filling the swamp

At least trade with local neighbors, not your CCP enemy. Latin America needs a hand more than China
Amazon manufactures nothing and most of Apple’s products are manufactured in the Far East Of those products claimed to be manufactured in the US many are just assembly plants of imported components
That's an idiotic argument.
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Welcome to the HoJo administration. We are not interested in that anymore. Just watch. Tim Cook will be sending MORE jobs to China in the next 4 years.

I had preferred Hoden, but Hojo brings up Chinese connotations so I wil roll with it now.
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We should have never been in Vietnam and we should have stopped at Pyongyang in 1950.

The huge problem in both cases - other than politicians running the wars, was the ability of the opposition to use sanctuary. No matter where you stopped on the Korean peninsula there was always sanctuary to the north, whether more of N Korea or China. Viet Nam was even worse because there was sanctuary all over the place. The key to disaster is allowing an almost infinite enemy the safe space for stockpiles and to retreat and regroup - that's particularly true when the opposition's supporters like Russia and China have the opportunity to stir up antiwar protests back at home. We never had the national mentality and support for the protracted nature of Korea and Viet Nam. The lack of protest about the sandbox wars is perplexing.
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Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance, commenting on Republicans, "What they did in rejecting the lawful vote for Joe Biden is really rejecting the law in this country."
The huge problem in both cases - other than politicians running the wars, was the ability of the opposition to use sanctuary. No matter where you stopped on the Korean peninsula there was always sanctuary to the north, whether more of N Korea or China. Viet Nam was even worse because there was sanctuary all over the place. The key to disaster is allowing an almost infinite enemy the safe space for stockpiles and to retreat and regroup - that's particularly true when the opposition's supporters like Russia and China have the opportunity to stir up antiwar protests back at home. We never had the national mentality and support for the protracted nature of Korea and Viet Nam. The lack of protest about the sandbox wars is perplexing.

Oh you mean the same 70 era protestors that now in a position of Dem leadership? Huner got pissed at me for bring that up. Love the troops and power when they in control. What 20th century wars were started under Dems? I need a refresher.
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Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance, commenting on Republicans, "What they did in rejecting the lawful vote for Joe Biden is really rejecting the law in this country."

No justice..No peace. Fill in the holes.
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The huge problem in both cases - other than politicians running the wars, was the ability of the opposition to use sanctuary. No matter where you stopped on the Korean peninsula there was always sanctuary to the north, whether more of N Korea or China. Viet Nam was even worse because there was sanctuary all over the place. The key to disaster is allowing an almost infinite enemy the safe space for stockpiles and to retreat and regroup - that's particularly true when the opposition's supporters like Russia and China have the opportunity to stir up antiwar protests back at home. We never had the national mentality and support for the protracted nature of Korea and Viet Nam. The lack of protest about the sandbox wars is perplexing.
Not that it means anything but, I remember my dad telling me that the coldest he has ever been was in Korea. When my dad died, 3 men that were in his platoon in Korea came to his funeral and each came up to me and told me how much they thought of my dad and how he took care of them. It meant a lot to me as each traveled a long way to be there and they were getting up in the years.
I don't like her political beliefs, but I do admire her sincerity and standing up for what she believes in. Don't agree with what she believes in, but I applaud her for making a stand.
Oh I agree. I'm about 80% in agreement with what she stands for with the exception of some key issues. That being said, I appreciate her sincerity and level-headiness.
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Siap. I agree with the caveat not on "basic" foods. Fruits, veggies, bread, meat.

Maybe set certain commodities under a certain price dont get taxed. Food under 10 dollars per item. Electronics under 200, clothes under 20. Something like that.
Yeah, I like the general idea of it, but those who's job it is to figure stuff like that out can figure out all the caveats needed.
I don't like her political beliefs, but I do admire her sincerity and standing up for what she believes in. Don't agree with what she believes in, but I applaud her for making a stand.
She's a moderate democrat which is most likely why she didn't gain any traction. I can accept a moderate of either party much more that an extreme liberal or extreme conservative.
Being a moderate these days doesn't seem to be very popular. Extremism wins the day.

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