What must be done to Unite the Country

She's a moderate democrat which is most likely why she didn't gain any traction. I can accept a moderate of either party much more that an extreme liberal or extreme conservative.
Being a moderate these days doesn't seem to be very popular. Extremism wins the day.

Politically, she's Bernie-lite for the most part.

Tulsi Gabbard on the Issues
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Not that it means anything but, I remember my dad telling me that the coldest he has ever been was in Korea. When my dad died, 3 men that were in his platoon in Korea came to his funeral and each came up to me and told me how much they thought of my dad and how he took care of them. It meant a lot to me as each traveled a long way to be there and they were getting up in the years.

My dad was a WW2 fighter pilot RIF'd in1950 - and recalled in 1950. He wound up going to Korea in the summer of 1950 as a radar controller on the ground - I didn't see much snow in his slides, but it was obviously very cold. Funny thing is that he was initially at Pusan and then right back at Kimpo (where we had lived in 1947-48) after the Inchon invasion. He was north of Pyongyang at Sinanju when the Chinese came south - they didn't have transportation for the radar and associated equipment which had to be destroyed.

One thing I'll never forget happened many years later following my dad's funeral. As we drove to the cemetery, there was a guy on the other side of the four lane highway in a motorized wheelchair who stopped and saluted as we went by.
But.....she’s willing to seek common ground. It’s amazing how much of her work is with Republicans

Oh, I could probably have gotten behind her if she somehow got the nomination and was elected. She'd get a fair chance from me at least.

I have this feeling she isn't done in politics. Of course, getting her into this administration is impossible.
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I can't say that I know much about her policies, what are the policies that you don't agree with?
Guns- she supports an all out assault weapons bad.
Abortions- She wants few if any limits
Defense Spending- she wants to slash the budget, I would buy an argument to not increase it, but we should never slash it.
Education- She supports free college. While the price is ridiculous and should come down, nothing should ever be completely free. Along with that its just something that will cause an increase in taxes at some point.
Climate Change
She's interesting, but would need to change her position on a few issues for me to vote for her.

As long as we have checks and balances in place, I could vote for someone who is honest and sincere but who has opposing political beliefs. That would seem to be a major upgrade from the politicians we have now. I can respect and trust someone with different beliefs if that person is honest, thoughtful, and willing to listen and compromise - compromise not capitulate. I think Tulsi is someone of a different political stance that we could and would want to work with.
As long as we have checks and balances in place, I could vote for someone who is honest and sincere but who has opposing political beliefs. That would seem to be a major upgrade from the politicians we have now. I can respect and trust someone with different beliefs if that person is honest, thoughtful, and willing to listen and compromise - compromise not capitulate. I think Tulsi is someone of a different political stance that we could and would want to work with.
Thats why I thinks she's interesting. She seems to compromise well, and has a lot of good ideas that aren't take from the middle and give to the poor. However, with how the game is played in Washington how much could she actually accomplish.
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Two basic points. How do you propose sustaining a service economy when government and overhead losses continually siphon wealth from the processes and with every transaction? How do you offset our decline as a power and the rise of the Chinese as a world power by sending our industry to China? We've been building their military might for several years now - a pretty stupid plan for national security.
I’m not an economist, I don’t have the answer about how to reverse the natural progression from industrial to post-industrial, if there is one. What I do know, though, is nostalgia is not a solution. The status of rising industrial powers doesn’t seem like something that can really be affected. It seems that if we want to see a return to a significant industrial prowess we are going to have to innovate our way there.
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At least trade with local neighbors, not your CCP enemy. Latin America needs a hand more than China
I've never understood the logic of helping China over helping people in our own hemisphere. You would think that some of these Monroe Doctrine supporters would see that as a logic step.
You can't go anywhere without seeing an Amazon truck or warehouse, have you ever seen a Facebook warehouse or a UPS truck delivering a Facebook web page? Amazon creates value, FB creates nothing, they sell advertising and their members information.
Apple sells physical things like phones, computers and tablets no matter where they are made. Explain to me how the vaporware companies make anything other than web pages?

I agree with you 100% about social media. I responded to your statement that implied you thought Amazon and Apple manufactured goods in the US

There is to me another negative about social media. Many use it as their source of “real” news. Social media is mostly a rumor mill at best and a source of untrue alternate facts in reality
It won't be long.
You don’t get it... He’s staying in the basement. You may have voted for the dementia patient. But he’s just a figure head, he’s not calling the shots. The only time he’s got to come out is read off of the teleprompter. By the time he realizes he’s screwed up on something, it’ll be to late. The powers that be will make him the fall guy.
You don’t get it... He’s staying in the basement. You may have voted for the dementia patient. But he’s just a figure head, he’s not calling the shots. The only time he’s got to come out is read off of the teleprompter. By the time he realizes he’s screwed up on something, it’ll be to late. The powers that be will make him the fall guy.
Sounds good.
Do you have debt? What is your debt to income ratio? Odds are the government has a far cleaner balance sheet than you, unless you've retired and already paid off your home.

Specifically, the current US accumulated deficit is about 110% of ONE YEAR'S GDP. In comparison, when people buy a house, most lenders observe a 28% max mortgage to gross income.

Thus, if I have a $100K annual salary and no debt, I can currently buy a house worth roughly $468K.

This PERSONAL DEBT would translate to 368% of ONE YEAR'S SALARY.

In sum, Feds at 110% debt, me at 368%.

So, what exactly were you whining about again? :)
Wtf are you talking about?

$27.79 TRILLION and counting

Not that it means anything but, I remember my dad telling me that the coldest he has ever been was in Korea. When my dad died, 3 men that were in his platoon in Korea came to his funeral and each came up to me and told me how much they thought of my dad and how he took care of them. It meant a lot to me as each traveled a long way to be there and they were getting up in the years.
I have been to Korea many times. Cold as hell in the winter. They got that right on MASH.
Guns- she supports an all out assault weapons bad.
Abortions- She wants few if any limits
Defense Spending- she wants to slash the budget, I would buy an argument to not increase it, but we should never slash it.
Education- She supports free college. While the price is ridiculous and should come down, nothing should ever be completely free. Along with that its just something that will cause an increase in taxes at some point.
Climate Change
What's an assault weapon?

VN Store
