What's everyone's obsession with Josh Dobbs?

He is another Brent Schafer but much smarter..... Me, personally, I prefer a pocket passer; rather than a scrambler. If you have a good offensive line, then there is no real need to scramble....

The reason we cannot beat Florida is because of the pocket passers. Even Peyton Manning could not accomplish that after 4 tries. Tee Martin went to the gators home turf a busted thoses little iguanas in the chops! Look at what that young kid from Texas A&M did to Bama this year. Im sorry but we need a dual threat qb in the SEC!
The reason we cannot beat Florida is because of the pocket passers. Even Peyton Manning could not accomplish that after 4 tries. Tee Martin went to the gators home turf a busted thoses little iguanas in the chops! Look at what that young kid from Texas A&M did to Bama this year. Im sorry but we need a dual threat qb in the SEC!

So how does Casey Clausen figure in your theory...WILDCARD
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People don't give Tee Martin enough credit. He could not be rattled & threw the prettiest deep ball. Remember those two bombs he threw to P Price in the national championship game!

people dont give our defense enough credit that year.

our offense was just solid but our defense was a monster, thats what won us the national championship.
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People don't give Tee Martin enough credit. He could not be rattled & threw the prettiest deep ball. Remember those two bombs he threw to P Price in the national championship game!

We don't beat Syracuse without him...or Florida for that matter
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1. He's a brilliant kid who is poised to come in and show leadership ability quick. All signs point to him being a coach on the field -- something we want all QBs to be but few not named Manning ever achieve. Someone who can do that at the college level has an advantage over many other QBs.

2. He's not just football smart but dayam smart period. And he's obviously not afraid to go after exactly what he wants even fields that daunt other dayam smart people. We had to have the UT engineering dept. show off how incredible our aerospace engineering program truly was to catch his eye and flip him. Other SEC schools were trying to flip him late as well as Clemson but our proximity to home and the fact that we had something many other schools don't brought him here.

3. He's not as small as he looks. He's 6'4' and 190. Ferguson is 6'3' and 195. Both will grow but if Bray proved any thing it's that QBs don't have to be heavier to take hits. Tall guys typically take more time to put on weight (it's just harder for a lot of them) and who doesn't know at least one wiry dude that can kick about anyone's butt in fight? Wiry dudes (and physically active dudettes for that matter) can be stronger than they look.

4. He's a 4-star pro-style dual threat QB. Who wouldn't want that?!!

5. His ceiling is through the roof and he has the brains, worth ethic, and discipline to make himself into the kind of dominant QB college coaches dream about.

And of course, because we all like to dream based on this potential but he's shown the discipline, work ethic, and intelligence to live up to the hype.
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He is another Brent Schafer but much smarter..... Me, personally, I prefer a pocket passer; rather than a scrambler. If you have a good offensive line, then there is no real need to scramble....

I also like pocket passer but it is nice to have a guy like Tee Martin that can pull it down and run 75 yards.
The last NC was won with a black QB. Any other questions?

I'm glad that I learned at the University of Tennessee not to judge the measure of a man by his skin tone, but rather by his character. The character of men like Condredge Holloway & the Cofer family, and so many others were instrumental to UT's success despite the color of their skin.
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if you have the right talent and you coach it properly, you can win

the system doesn't matter.

i don't think i've seen alabama's qb leave the pocket in the saban era

Saban runs a more pro-style offense. You can have strictly a pocket passer in that offense. Plus, it helps when the QB had the best offensive line in the history of SEC football - all 2,000 pounds of them. Donnie the Retard could QB that team.
Over hyped to say the least. People are obsessed with him cause he switches commitments night before signing day while we missed out on basically every big name. I'll take worley over him til the dude proves he can play. To the comment on 1st page, where is the source that dobbs learned the whole playbook in one week?
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Who is obsessed with Dobbs?

If the question is why do "I" think he's a better looking prospect than Ferguson then that's pretty simple. Both have similar arm strength on their videos. Dobbs looked a little more accurate. Dobbs looked a little faster but neither is really a running QB. The key difference at least as it has been reported is raw intelligence.

OTOH, if you are talking about the obsession many have EVERY YEAR with Fr coming in and beating out some supposed dud... you are wasting your time arguing with them. It happens every year that someone here will declare a Fr to be "starter from day one". Usually the guy who has the experience and development (who was often previously thought to be an immediate impact type of player) will win out.

The REAL idiocy here is those making declarations that one or both of these Fr are obviously better than Worley and Peterman based on the O&W game or even the whole spring. Over the past few years a couple of very decent OC's have managed to make their eventual starter look pretty bad in the O&W game. Ainge and Bray both looked horrible before having VERY good years. Added to that, the O was short-handed at WR and TE. The D had seen the same plays by the same players for how many days previous? You really expected either of the QB's to look great?

Worley will probably be the starter and will probably do a good job if the young WR's come along.
Riley Ferguson has offers from 5 top 25 schools.

Josh Dobbs has 0 offers from top 25 schools.

I'm not saying Riley is better then Dobbs or visa versa. I watched both game film and they both look equally impressive.

So what's the deal? What does Dobbs have that the other 3 QB don't?

Major Brain talent,learned his high school offense in one day!
No tats either!!! Glad we have both as you should be!
If Dobbs hadn't decided to come to Tennessee would Ferguson be getting all the hype?
I honestly like Ferguson better as a complete QB. I think people are just on the Dobbs train because he seems to fit CBJ's system better. One thing I will give Dobbs is how smart he is... He has a much better GPA than I ever did!
The reason we cannot beat Florida is because of the pocket passers. Even Peyton Manning could not accomplish that after 4 tries. Tee Martin went to the gators home turf a busted thoses little iguanas in the chops! Look at what that young kid from Texas A&M did to Bama this year. Im sorry but we need a dual threat qb in the SEC!

Tee lost at UF and I think was sacked more times in that game than any QB in UT history.

Fans think when they see an African American QB at Tennessee that he is the next Holloway,Tee, or a Mike Vick type Qb. Dobbs is mobile QB but I don't think he is a true scrambler from watching YouTube.
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