When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

Seattle police officer tells Black Lives Matter protester he's resigning: 'You guys won' — Fox News

When these people finally get what they want .. the power vacuum that’s left behind is going to be filled with some interesting little thugs .should be an amazing social experiment to watch unfold .
My guess would be this guy has some time in, just raked in a massive amount of OT the last few months to boost his pension pay, and is peacing out. NYC is getting the same thing. There's a 6-8 week wait to get an appointment at the pension office. The zoomers in Portland think they're owning the cops, but their take home pay would say otherwise. I mean getting paid overtime to beat on shitbirds is probably a lifelong dream for many.
No it doesn't. I've owned Krups for about 15 years and never had a mold problem. I have a Cuisinart maker now and I like it, too.

Thanks. I'll look into it. I currently also have a Cuisinart, but there is a defect in mine with leaking. It works, just gets old having to clean up.
Are you supportive of all the pronouns and what not that the loonies want to be referred to?
Sure, it doesn't bother me in the least. I find some of it to be a little silly, but that's to be expected from a 59 year old southern white guy.
Sure, it doesn't bother me in the least. I find some of it to be a little silly, but that's to be expected from a 59 year old southern white guy.

I present for all to see ..the self flogging Progressive Liberal White Man from the South . PLWMS .... “ Some are a little silly “ smh LOL
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I don't disagree with that position. There's been an egregious abuse of personal and institutional power, no doubt. The police force has turned from "serving and protecting" to something that more closely resembles the military without any of the discipline or training while taxpayers are busy bailing out the offending officers through sovereign immunity. They are rightfully getting taken to task by the public for their indiscretions, as a whole they deserve everything that they've gotten and then some. I don't trust the police, not even a little and im a white guy that makes pretty decent money. I can't imagine how poor POC must feel.

Still, if the black lives matter wants to changes hearts and minds or win sympathy to their cause - they really need to look in the mirror and get a handle on the black on black violence. It just sort of rings hollow that the community is demanding folks respect black lives when the community doesn't respect it themselves.
I agree with most of this. The biggest problem coming out of all this is no real solutions being offered and certainly not in a responsible way that would calm tensions. Both sides are playing the wedge for political purposes.
I don't doubt for a second that black folks POC are profiled and treated disproportionaly like sht by LEO's, but until they look in the mirror and clean up their own problems it's really hard to take the BLM seriously. Apparently the only black lives that matter are the ones taken by the cops.
Who are you and what did you do with Septic?
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I don't see how you would know it it is a paid position or not. I don't think what I'm saying hinges on if they were paid or not. They were clearly officials in a state entity
It's also worth while pointing out that if they weren't paid for their position in German money. They were paid in free labor by the slaves from concentration camps.
I present for all to see ..the self flogging Progressive Liberal White Man from the South . PLWMS .... “ Some are a little silly “ smh LOL
Self flogging?????????? smh
Come on lilreb, you're better than that. It's called self awareness, but now that I think about it, that is exactly what many in the PF are missing.
Here's a mental exercise for you. Imagine one thousand 59 year old white southern males are asked "what are your feelings about the multiple gender issue?" What do you think the breakdown of responses would be? (remember, just a mental exercise)
Now come up with a few other demographic breakdowns and imagine what their responses would be. Now compare the imagined responses. I'm becoming more and more convinced that thinking is the commodity in shortest supply.

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