When “Portland” comes to your town, where are you gonna go?

I don't know what the government "recognizing more than two genders" means and what it would change. What if the government recognizes 2 genders, 8 genders, or 234 genders? I just don't understand the implication. What's the point of the government recognizing gender anyway?
Same with schools and other public places. What's the significance? Which PE class they take and which locker room they change in?
I must not be doing a very good job of articulating what I want to say. I'm referring to licenses distributed, tax and Medicaid information. Legal information. General record keeping. Financial information. For instance at my bank I'm legally obligated to record the genders of everyone that runs a transaction of any sort, as well for anyone that holds any type of account with us. I feel like Inserting new genders into the equation would needlessly complicate or compromise most of those practices. I just don't see why it would be rational or reasonable. ( I hope you appreciate that) to add more genders into official records. How would title nine be applied going forward? How would other gender discrimination law suites be litigated?
Where is he getting militant Christian from? Or is that code for I don't agree with what you believe so what you believe is evil

He's always bitching about a godless society and throwing his ignorance around.

Easily one of the looniest posters on the board. Have fun sniffing his jock.
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He's always bitching about a godless society and throwing his ignorance around.

Easily one of the looniest posters on the board. Have fun sniffing his jock.
I wouldn't consider someone thinking of our society as godless to be a millitant thought. If he advocated for physical or legal retribution to those that he considered godless then you'd be justified in your claim. I don't think it's accurate to label his views as millitant
I wouldn't consider someone thinking of our society as godless to be a millitant thought. If he advocated for physical or legal retribution to those that he considered godless then you'd be justified in your claim. I don't think it's accurate to label his views as millitant

You haven't posted here long enough to see it. He constantly goes around citing godlessness as the world's problem and labeling everyone who disagrees with him as a marxist.

If you go down the route of attributing all the world's faults to godlessness, then you are implying that only god can save everything you don't agree with. You are also implying that everyone who disagrees with you is going to hell, which theoretically is worse than any sort of physical/legal retribution.

If he's going to act holier than thou about everything, I'm absolutely going to call him out on his racist statements, homophobic slurs, and generally dehumanizing languages because it 100% conflicts with Biblical teachings to do those things.

And for ****'s sake, it's spelled militant.
You haven't posted here long enough to see it. He constantly goes around citing godlessness as the world's problem and labeling everyone who disagrees with him as a marxist.

If you go down the route of attributing all the world's faults to godlessness, then you are implying that only god can save everything you don't agree with. You are also implying that everyone who disagrees with you is going to hell, which theoretically is worse than any sort of physical/legal retribution.

If he's going to act holier than thou about everything, I'm absolutely going to call him out on his racist statements, homophobic slurs, and generally dehumanizing languages because it 100% conflicts with Biblical teachings to do those things.

And for ****'s sake, it's spelled militant.
I don't completely disagree with you on the danger on bringing God into every single disagreement. I don't think citing the will of God for every position a person has is healthy or authentic. I was mainly disputing your use of the term militant. And oh heavens I added an extra L as I type while working. I hope you can find it in your soul to forgive me😂😂
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I must not be doing a very good job of articulating what I want to say. I'm referring to licenses distributed, tax and Medicaid information. Legal information. General record keeping. Financial information. For instance at my bank I'm legally obligated to record the genders of everyone that runs a transaction of any sort, as well for anyone that holds any type of account with us. I feel like Inserting new genders into the equation would needlessly complicate or compromise most of those practices. I just don't see why it would be rational or reasonable. ( I hope you appreciate that) to add more genders into official records. How would title nine be applied going forward? How would other gender discrimination law suites be litigated?
Maybe it's time to do away with that type of record keeping.
As for Title 9, there will still be women's sports and men's sports.
I remember the days when forms gave you two choices: black or white, but now the number of choices has grown and the wording has changed. It seems the same could be true with the gender question.
As time goes by hopefully we will see less need for asking the question in the first place.
Maybe it's time to do away with that type of record keeping.
As for Title 9, there will still be women's sports and men's sports.
I remember the days when forms gave you two choices: black or white, but now the number of choices has grown and the wording has changed. It seems the same could be true with the gender question.
As time goes by hopefully we will see less need for asking the question in the first place.
I agree with you on that. I think our government mandates more things from us than they have a right to know. That being said, I still think some of what I mentioned is necessary and that official recognition of more than two genders would cause potentially harmful complications. Touching on the title nine part, if we allowed for gender to be a fluid concept how would women's sports keep it's integrity. What would legally stop me from joining the girls national soccer team?
Maybe it's time to do away with that type of record keeping.
As for Title 9, there will still be women's sports and men's sports.
I remember the days when forms gave you two choices: black or white, but now the number of choices has grown and the wording has changed. It seems the same could be true with the gender question.
As time goes by hopefully we will see less need for asking the question in the first place.
I agree with you on that. I think our government mandates more things from us than they have a right to know. That being said, I still think some of what I mentioned is necessary and that official recognition of more than two genders would cause potentially harmful complications. Touching on the title nine part, if we allowed for gender to be a fluid concept how would women's sports keep it's integrity. What would legally stop me from joining the girls national soccer team?
Maybe they will do hormone tests like they do drug tests. I honestly don't think it's an issue.
Maybe they will do hormone tests like they do drug tests. I honestly don't think it's an issue.
I guess they could, but a large portion of the fluid gender party contends that gender is not a scientifically defined concept. I don't think that the last thing I mentioned is a massive deal either I think there would be more important ramifications, but it was a very easy example that came to mind in the time I have allotted to respond
Does anybody in this thread really believe “Portland” is going to come to your town?

This is what happens when the unhinged paranoid Qanon devotees and their ilk have delusions of persecution:
Multiracial family on Washington state camping trip is accused of being antifa and menaced
""They became concerned for their safety after hearing gun shots in the distance and power saws down the road from where they were camping. The family, concerned for their safety, decided to pack up their camp and leave," the sheriff said. "As they drove back down the spur road they discovered someone had fell trees across the road, preventing their exit."
A fake antifa recruiting event on Facebook lured dozens of Confederate and Trump supporters to "defend" an N.C. store
41 Cities, Many Sources: How False Antifa Rumors Spread Locally
In Klamath Falls, Oregon, victory declared over antifa, which never showed up
"Mythical buses full of bloodthirsty antifa protestors are causing panic in rural counties throughout the country..."

It's becoming obvious that some folks should take a licensing exam before logging on to the internets.
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On the other hand, Austin is slowly turning into a cesspool and it's only a few hours away from me. Not quite there yet, but the wheels are in motion.
Surprising how quickly Austin changed into a liberal utopia wannabe.
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Maybe it's time to do away with that type of record keeping.
As for Title 9, there will still be women's sports and men's sports.
I remember the days when forms gave you two choices: black or white, but now the number of choices has grown and the wording has changed. It seems the same could be true with the gender question.
As time goes by hopefully we will see less need for asking the question in the first place.

Um what? So are you insinuating that men should be able to compete in women’s sports if they “identify” as a female?
On the other hand, Austin is slowly turning into a cesspool and it's only a few hours away from me. Not quite there yet, but the wheels are in motion.

I go to Austin about 7 to 10 times a year and you are 100% correct. Place used to be fantastic. I will never understand it. It is overrun by Californians. They are supercool people to meet and hang with... BUT, the crap they vote for as in politicians and policies is unbelievable. I mean, they leave Cali because they screwed it up, and then they invade Austin and screw it up. Just like a virus.
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