White Flight: The Great Exodus From The GOP

Ok, you can’t think for yourself. You’d rather have Blackburn. Enjoy.

I didn't vote for Blackburn either, I didn't vote for Corker or Alexander. I damn sure wasn't going to vote for a senile old man that was going to let Schumer lead him around by the nose. It's you that can't think for yourself.
These things are cyclical. Biden is on record as saying he'll be the most progressive President ever and it looks like that's exactly what will happen. That's great news for Republicans in 2022 and 2024. It looks like he'll cram through his stimulus bill on reconciliation rather than work with Republicans kinda like Obama did with Obamacare and that had disastrous consequences for Dems in 2010.

This stimulus bill now being debated is a great real life example of which party shows at least a little fiscal sense. The Dems want to spend $1.9T. Republicans $0.6T. Granted both parties are spendthrifts but of the two, there's only one choice for fiscal conservatives. Add to that, open borders, federally mandated $15hr min wage and trans taking over women's sports and folks will be coming back to the GOP in droves.
We will need it. No matter what you think happened with the election, tens of millions of people voted for this nonsense and a lot of them did so simply because they didn’t like Trump’s personality and/or character.
My criticism in those terms is for the Republican party, which abandoned all pretense of having any principle by standing by him.
I'm a republican who doesn't like Trump, and all I can say is he's a lot better than the **** your party has been putting out there.

The Democratic Party has gone off the deep end with their unity aka 'conform to my way of thinking' crap and their gender nonsense and their police defunding and their late-term abortion support. And their HYPOCRISY.

I'm content with my principle and what my Party represents.
I didn't vote for Blackburn either, I didn't vote for Corker or Alexander. I damn sure wasn't going to vote for a senile old man that was going to let Schumer lead him around by the nose. It's you that can't think for yourself.
Hey, I misjudged you. Still, I trust Bredesen more than Blackburn.
Trump got the most votes in this last election than past gop runners. He increased his votes in 2020 from 2016. Kamala had to cheat to win the election
He also increased his popularity among registered voters. There were roughly 15M more registered voters in 2020 than in 2016. Trump got about 11M more votes so he got a higher percentage of votes from registered voters in 2020 than he did in 2016.
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Your post shows me you have no idea what fascism really is.
Oh wait, I now understand why he seems ignorant on fascism. Google it and look at what Wikipedia says. It says that it is a “far right” movement. We all know that Wikipedia can’t possibly be wrong so of course it’s impossible that a group would call themselves liberals but actually be fascists because Wikipedia says liberalism is the opposite of fascism.
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Oh wait, I now understand why he seems ignorant on fascism. Google it and look at what Wikipedia says. It says that it is a “far right” movement. We all know that Wikipedia can’t possibly be wrong so of course it’s impossible that a group would call themselves liberals but actually be fascists because Wikipedia says liberalism is the opposite of fascism.

Fascism is a far right movement, communism is a far left movement. If two people start at the same place on a circle, one goes right and the other goes left they eventually run into each other.
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Oh wait, I now understand why he seems ignorant on fascism. Google it and look at what Wikipedia says. It says that it is a “far right” movement. We all know that Wikipedia can’t possibly be wrong so of course it’s impossible that a group would call themselves liberals but actually be fascists because Wikipedia says liberalism is the opposite of fascism.

I was looking more at the attributes. Especially the silencing of dissent and economic factors.
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Fascism is a far right movement, communism is a far left movement. If two people start at the same place on a circle, one goes right and the other goes left they eventually run into each other.
Yep but we are the ones that assign these labels. For some that apparently means you are only whatever is defined by your assigned label. We clearly see that isn’t the case as liberals are clearly acting like fascists.
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I was looking more at the attributes. Especially the silencing of dissent and economic factors.
I know what you meant. Vol Main thinks that these labels assigned means you can’t be anything else. For example, when I call VM a moron it’s not possible that he has any intelligence. Never mind, bad example.
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