Who will be the Dem nominee in 20'?

Healthcare is at least 60% socialized and increasing. Education is probably 80% socialized. In both of these industries, quality is declining and prices are increasing.

That same trend was happening for a long time with market healthcare and like I said quasi care like Obamacare is no improvement as some on the left would like to believe.

We have paid the most for the least care for a long time. Time to go single payer.

Public education with certain government standards is way better than private/charters wanting money from public budgets, discriminating, and then touting themselves as a success.

And I don't want to know the standards the state of Mississippi/Alabama allows if not for government intervention.
uh no. Policy does not equal enforcement. The new EPA isn't stopping anyone from being clean.

When you do away with environmental regulations and many of them at that. Then hell yes it does. Corporations mostly
Well he didn't read apparently...

And we are ranked behind most developed nations in education. That isn't just the opportunity factor either, if you aggregate we are still trailing dramatically.

And guess which country spends more per capita on education. If the govt made beer, it would cost $100 for a six-pack and taste like crap.
That same trend was happening for a long time with market healthcare and like I said quasi care like Obamacare is no improvement as some on the left would like to believe.

We have paid the most for the least care for a long time. Time to go single payer.

Public education with certain government standards is way better than private/charters wanting money from public budgets, discriminating, and then touting themselves as a success.

And I don't want to know the standards the state of Mississippi/Alabama allows if not for government intervention.

So you want the VA model. How is that working out? Government standards, you gotta be kidding. Government cheats when it can’t make standards.

Report: Test cheating may be widespread – Schools of Thought - CNN.com Blogs
Poll: Plurality supports single-payer health care - POLITICO

Once again though the burden of proof lies with you against it as it has support and is gaining even more.

You haven't done anything to convince me aside from call me a commie which I must admit was at least entertaining.
So seems like you are losing the war.

Why don't you go to a country that actually embodies your ideals like...
Oh wait there are none...
33% of Repubs are even on board with it, this is one you are going to need to find a better argument on or just leave.
Poll: Plurality supports single-payer health care - POLITICO

Once again though the burden of proof lies with you against it as it has support and is gaining even more.

You haven't done anything to convince me aside from call me a commie which I must admit was at least entertaining.
So seems like you are losing the war.

Why don't you go to a country that actually embodies your ideals like...
Oh wait there are none...

A poll is a very low bar when judging the wisdom of policy. Most Americans don’t know what the 1st amendment is, first man to walk on the moon, can’t name the 3 branches of government, or first four presidents. Bad legislation that is popular with most Americans is the norm, not the exception. A better test might be that if something is unpopular with most Americans, it might be worth looking into.
33% of Repubs are even on board with it, this is one you are going to need to find a better argument on or just leave.

You have yet to explain why we should destroy the country, how much it will cost, what everyone will pay, what kind of services will be provided, who will be making decisions as to who will get what treatments, etc...

People from universal healthcare countries come here for services.

Also, do you understand what healthcare is? You keep talking about it like it’s a commodity.
When you do away with environmental regulations and many of them at that. Then hell yes it does. Corporations mostly

No it doesn't.

Not punishing someone for doing something isn't the same as forcing them to do that something.

you still have tons of industries continuing to pour billions into new products and research that is green. the government isn't shutting them down.
The VA clearly needs reforms but to assume that single payer for all citizens would not be scrutinized more than that of the VA is devoid of any reason.

lol. you must be even younger than I am.

the government never changes.
You have yet to explain why we should destroy the country, how much it will cost, what everyone will pay, what kind of services will be provided, who will be making decisions as to who will get what treatments, etc...

People from universal healthcare countries come here for services.

Also, do you understand what healthcare is? You keep talking about it like it’s a commodity.

I disagree with your argument, you with mine.

However the burden of proof as I am in the majority lies with you.
No it doesn't.

Not punishing someone for doing something isn't the same as forcing them to do that something.

you still have tons of industries continuing to pour billions into new products and research that is green. the government isn't shutting them down.

Allowing them to dump coal excess in rivers and decreasing land reserves is absolutely detrimental and could be avoided with a different government in power.

Of course there are still companies doing good, no debating that.
I disagree with your argument, you with mine.

However the burden of proof as I am in the majority lies with you.

The burden of proof has nothing to do with being in the majority on an opinion. Please don’t satisfy yourself with being in agreement with the dopey herd. Think for yourself.
Poll: Plurality supports single-payer health care - POLITICO

Once again though the burden of proof lies with you against it as it has support and is gaining even more.

You haven't done anything to convince me aside from call me a commie which I must admit was at least entertaining.
So seems like you are losing the war.

Why don't you go to a country that actually embodies your ideals like...
Oh wait there are none...

Again, you are suprised a majority of people want “free” stuff?

If you took a poll that asked should the rich pay a 90% tax rate how do you think that would go?

When the question is should something negative happen to someone else in order for something positive to happen to you, the results will not be shocking.
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Again, you are suprised a majority of people want “free” stuff?

If you took a poll that asked should the rich pay a 90% tax rate how do you think that would go?

When the question is should something negative happen to someone else in order for something positive to happen to you, the results will not be shocking.

Yea, that's socialism/communism. You work, I eat. That's what our little liberal commie wants for America.
Allowing them to dump coal excess in rivers and decreasing land reserves is absolutely detrimental and could be avoided with a different government in power.

Of course there are still companies doing good, no debating that.

uh no. still happened under Obama. Remember a couple big cases. Especially lol worthy when the EPA wasn't following their own rules and essentially came out with a statement of "The rules are for industry, not the government".
Yea, that's socialism/communism. You work, I eat. That's what our little liberal commie wants for America.

You do realize that the tax rate on top earners was higher than 90% in the 1950s under a Republican Presidency.

LOL turn off FOX once in a while, you brainwashed dunce!
Again, you are suprised a majority of people want “free” stuff?

If you took a poll that asked should the rich pay a 90% tax rate how do you think that would go?

When the question is should something negative happen to someone else in order for something positive to happen to you, the results will not be shocking.

You ignore the fact that many of these people are the people who would need to pay in and yet they still want to!
I still want to!

Yelling free stuff! All they want is free stuff! That is about as effective as bud who says "Rah, rah, commie, rah, rah, socialism"
You do realize that the tax rate on top earners was higher than 90% in the 1950s under a Republican Presidency.

LOL turn off FOX once in a while, you brainwashed dunce!

Lot of things were different in the 1950's. Are you advocating a return to that era?....
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You do realize that the tax rate on top earners was higher than 90% in the 1950s under a Republican Presidency.

LOL turn off FOX once in a while, you brainwashed dunce!

Different era. You're comparing apples and oranges.

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