Who will emerge as UTs quarterback?

Who will emerge as UT's quarterback?

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If the VOLS offense stumbles out of the gate, I would like to see what Ainge or Shaeffer can do. Anyone else agree?
Originally posted by rckytop16@Jul 24, 2004 3:49 PM
If the VOLS offense stumbles out of the gate, I would like to see what Ainge or Shaeffer can do. Anyone else agree?

I would agree. The question is how many games is "out of the gate"? Two...Three?
I would just love to hear it said on ESPN coverage "Jim Bob Cooter . . ." Wouldn't that just be priceless.

I don't mean to offend Mr. & Mrs. Cooter of course. I just have a strange since of humor.

Really, Leak to start the season w/ Ainge replacing him as starter in the La Tech game.
If the VOLS offense stumbles out of the gate, I would like to see what Ainge or Shaeffer can do. Anyone else agree?

Mark it down, freshmen step in after Florida.
Originally posted by MississippiVol@Jul 12, 2004 4:13 PM
If Brent ends up getting it, do you guys think we will see some option plays? I think it would be a good idea to run it a few times a game when he is in there to keep opposing defenses honest. I know that's what we used to do when Jermaine lined up at QB when Peyton was still here.

I think the last QB I ever saw make an option pitch was Alan Cockerell (early 80s). Martin and Shuler always kept the ball.

I am SOOOO impressed!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Originally posted by hillbilly+Jul 27, 2004 5:26 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hillbilly @ Jul 27, 2004 5:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-MississippiVol@Jul 12, 2004 4:13 PM
If Brent ends up getting it, do you guys think we will see some option plays? I think it would be a good idea to run it a few times a game when he is in there to keep opposing defenses honest. I know that&#39;s what we used to do when Jermaine lined up at QB when Peyton was still here.

I think the last QB I ever saw make an option pitch was Alan Cockerell (early 80s). Martin and Shuler always kept the ball. [/quote]
I remember they had an option pitch in the offense that they ran a few times when Andy Kelly was QB. He would lumber 2 steps down the line and immediately pitch it EVERY SINGLE TIME. It was like an over handed toss sweep. Andy&#39;s just couldn&#39;t sell the keep very well.
Unless Schaeffer proves to be an amazing run QB, he will never see the option. The players are talking about how fast he is, but Fulmer will have to have a lot of confidence in him to turn him loose. I think right now though, Ainge may be the successor. But practice has yet to start...
Originally posted by Volstorm@Jul 27, 2004 11:05 PM
That&#39;s because Kelly was in no way an option type QB.

That was sort of my whole point. Andy was a great passer, but he was one of the slowest QBs I&#39;ve ever seen.
I heard eric ainge is promising but then agian he is really new. Whoever starts is gonna have big shoes to fill like any new starter has. At least we can say this, whoever becomes the lead starter for the vols has a great team backing him up. :rocks:
I don&#39;t believe Ainge will have any problem at all graping the offense. I researched him on a more in depth basis than any other potential starter on this year&#39;s team. Ainge is intelligent (high school gpa of 3.60 if I remember correctly) and proved to have a tremendous amount of "grace under pressure" in high school. He showed this in football, basketball and baseball. In all threee sports he excelled. The only drawbacks I can detect regarding him is CPF&#39;s timidness at putting a true freshman in and his weight. He could use around 15-20m more pounds. Should he avoid severe injury, I suspect he will be our full-time starter by the middle of next season.

In fact, I wish CPF would go ahead and make an investment in him this season. On the job practice does more than anything else to bring a player like Ainge along in very quick fashion.

I just hope we don&#39;t end up with one of those frustrating and very damaging quaterback controversies. I hate those things&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
Ainge has made more progress than any QB in the last month and could very well start the season as the #2 QB. Now remember this whoever wins out this fall amoung the rookie QB will not be the top dog in spring and the winner in spring may not be the leader next fall. There will be a 3 way competition next fall.
I think the best thing for everybody will be for CJ Leak just to play adequately and then let&#39;s have the QB controversey in the Spring of 2005.
CJ will start, despite some rumblings that Rick may take over. And then Ainge will take over about LaTech. Too many players are with Ainge on this.
I`m going to worry no matter who starts. I`d like to see them try Leak to see what he does. And I mean a real try not a first sign of trouble pull him try.But at the first sign of trouble will pull him and I too will go with FREAK. :thumbsup:

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