Why did Hannity and Ingraham urge that Trump step in to calm the rioters, but now minimize it?

Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t have a crystal ball like some folks though.

Maybe we could get Bob Dole to run. That’s essentially what the dems did with Biden.

You don't need a crystal ball to know that no one outside of the political establishment will ever win the presidency again.
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This is really hard to fathom.

Clearly, they were trying to appeal to Trump's ego to get him to step in by saying it was hurting his mage. But the fact that they now minimize what went on is just appalling. And they don't even acknowledge their texts or try to explain the inconsistency between their attitude then versus now?

Nothing will happen to them and they didn't do anything wrong at the time. But the insistence of Fox in general and those two in particular in downplaying it now is just ridiculous at every level. 'fess up, it was a big frickin deal, it was bad, really bad, and everyone knows it.

I don’t understand what you think this proves?

If AOC supporters were fire bombing ICE facilities, you’d want her to make a statement urging them to stop, right?

What am I missing here?
You don't need a crystal ball to know that no one outside of the political establishment will ever win the presidency again.
Maybe. Maybe not.

I still say they go Dole 2024.

I see your dementia patient and raise you a dead guy.
Feel free to throw any term around you want. But if it sticks you know you are onto something. If not than keep trying. TDS has stuck pretty well

Of course it has. It's a convenient way for the MAGA hive mind to dismiss any criticism of Trump without actually going to the trouble of defending against the criticism.
I don’t understand what you think this proves?

If AOC supporters were fire bombing ICE facilities, you’d want her to make a statement urging them to stop, right?

What am I missing here?
I think the point is they were on TV after the fact saying it was no big deal or it was a leftist false flag operation.
I think the point is they were on TV after the fact saying it was no big deal or it was a leftist false flag operation.

I don’t consider AOC supporters firebombing ICE or Bernie bros shooting at republican congressmen during baseball practice to be “an insurrection” or believe “we almost lost our democracy”. But I also don’t think any of these things were good.

This seems to be the issue. If you don’t consider it the worst thing to ever occur, they pretend you’re downplaying it
Of course it has. It's a convenient way for the MAGA hive mind to dismiss any criticism of Trump without actually going to the trouble of defending against the criticism.
If a diagnosis fits the patient I don’t expect all the patients to accept their affliction.
Trump is an absolute POS and the texts that were sent to him by his closest advisors while he watched is absolute evidence of his scumminess.

Lol, you people act like they did billions of dollars of damage and burned a bunch of buildings down and looted stores. You people are a bunch of hacks.
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I don’t consider AOC supporters firebombing ICE or Bernie bros shooting at republican congressmen during baseball practice to be “an insurrection” or believe “we almost lost our democracy”. But I also don’t think any of these things were good.

This seems to be the issue. If you don’t consider it the worst thing to ever occur, they pretend you’re downplaying it
I don't think it's the worst thing that's ever happened. I don't think it was acceptable either. That doesn't mean Hannity isn't a hypocrite and a liar.
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I don't think it's the worst thing that's ever happened. I don't think it was acceptable either. That doesn't mean Hannity isn't a hypocrite and a liar.

You believe Hannity thinks it was acceptable? What about his stance is hypocritical?
You calling out MTG while you're pearl-clutching over AOC? That street goes both ways.

Can you point to my "pearl clutching" over AOC?

I've always said she's an idiot and she proves that day in and day out. But I don't recall ever going all "Well, I never!" over her (idiotic) behavior.
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I think the point is they were on TV after the fact saying it was no big deal or it was a leftist false flag operation.

Can you or @lawgator1 point to instances of Hannity, Ingraham, Kilmeade saying the rioting was no big deal? Or a leftist false flag operation?
Can you or @lawgator1 point to instances of Hannity, Ingraham, Kilmeade saying the rioting was no big deal? Or a leftist false flag operation?

"Ingraham suggested that “antifa supporters” may have been responsible for the violence. Kilmeade took a similar line: “I do not know Trump supporters that have ever demonstrated violence that I know of in a big situation.” Hannity, for his part, asserted that “the majority of them were peaceful.”"

January 6 texts from Fox hosts reveal the lie at the heart of the conservative movement
Lol, you people act like they did billions of dollars of damage and burned a bunch of buildings down and looted stores. You people are a bunch of hacks.

No, that's true - it'd have resulted in less damage to our republic.

You guys KNOW you can't defend the squirrel haired traitor so it's It's fun to watch all of the deflection and redirection. Trump is trash and people who continue to support him are trash - he's been exposed. Even his crotchspawn were pleading with him to "lead" on 1/6. *crickets*
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"Ingraham suggested that “antifa supporters” may have been responsible for the violence. Kilmeade took a similar line: “I do not know Trump supporters that have ever demonstrated violence that I know of in a big situation.” Hannity, for his part, asserted that “the majority of them were peaceful.”"

January 6 texts from Fox hosts reveal the lie at the heart of the conservative movement

So nobody said "it was no big deal" or otherwise did not condemn the rioting, right?

Here's the WaPo article excerpt Vox is taking liberty with:
While Ingraham that afternoon called the attack “disgraceful” and said that “the president needs to tell everyone to leave the building,” later that night, she suggested on-air that some of the rioters might have been left-wing agitators rather than Trump supporters. “I have never seen Trump rally attendees wearing helmets, black helmets, brown helmets, black backpacks — the uniforms you saw in some of these crowd shots,” she said.

Asking whether leftist agitators were involved doesn't scale-up to an assertion they claimed it was a leftist false flag operation; they did not. Nor did they soft-peddle the gravity of the rioting under any circumstance as @lawgator1 claims. Of thousands of conservative gatherings the last five years, many have been plagued by violent leftist agitators, just as their own leftist gatherings have been. The capitol breach was shocking because of the anomaly that conservative voters were instigating violence for a change. And it was a handful of the 10s/thousands gathered there, and most of them on trespassing. If the same scrutiny and persecutory power had been brought to bear on the BLM/Antifa/Marxofascist riots, we'd literally have had to create prison camps to house 10s/thousands.

The left has lost its outrage privileges.
So nobody said "it was no big deal" or otherwise did not condemn the rioting, right?

Here's the WaPo article excerpt Vox is taking liberty with:
While Ingraham that afternoon called the attack “disgraceful” and said that “the president needs to tell everyone to leave the building,” later that night, she suggested on-air that some of the rioters might have been left-wing agitators rather than Trump supporters. “I have never seen Trump rally attendees wearing helmets, black helmets, brown helmets, black backpacks — the uniforms you saw in some of these crowd shots,” she said.

Asking whether leftist agitators were involved doesn't scale-up to an assertion they claimed it was a leftist false flag operation; they did not. Nor did they soft-peddle the gravity of the rioting under any circumstance as @lawgator1 claims. Of thousands of conservative gatherings the last five years, many have been plagued by violent leftist agitators, just as their own leftist gatherings have been. The capitol breach was shocking because of the anomaly that conservative voters were instigating violence for a change. And it was a handful of the 10s/thousands gathered there, and most of them on trespassing. If the same scrutiny and persecutory power had been brought to bear on the BLM/Antifa/Marxofascist riots, we'd literally have had to create prison camps to house 10s/thousands.

The left has lost its outrage privileges.

I'm sure they thought Trump would be able to call off these leftist agitators.
I'm sure they thought Trump would be able to call off these leftist agitators.

Again, none of those conservative pundits claimed there were no violent Trump supporters in that riot, imply they were a minority, or "downplayed" the rioting.
This is yet another grasping meme that falls apart under scrutiny but that's LG's stock in trade.
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