Will McCarthy be SOH?

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Gaetz voted for Trump for Speaker? I would have thought you had to be a member of the House to be Speaker but maybe not???

Well, anyway, it shows you what motivates this cabal at least in part.

Ironic that most observers, right or left, think the reason for the lack of a big GOP win in the midterms was adherence to Trump as party leader, and yet Gaetz and others still won't let go ....
No, Speaker isn't required to be member of the house.

Picture yourself as a Tennesseean in 2020.

When the shutdown occurred...
Who was President?
Who was governor?

When it first started ? We can do that with every state . Now letโ€™s move to 2021 when it was becoming obvious that we were killing our economy. Which party was for lock downs and which was against ?

Picture yourself as a Tennesseean in 2020.

When the shutdown occurred...
Who was President?
Who was governor?

Trump left it up to the states and Lee left it up to the cities and counties. Anyone shut down in TN was done on the local level.
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When it first started ? We can do that with every state . Now letโ€™s move to 2021 when it was becoming obvious that we were killing our economy. Which party was for lock downs and which was against ?

Lockdowns weren't really proposed in 2021. It was all about vaccine mandates that year.
Trump left it up to the states and Lee left it up to the cities and counties. Anyone shut down in TN was done on the local level.

And who was county mayor when bars were getting their licenses pulled for breaking curfew?
Nope. But Trump would ever take the job, so the clown show continues.

In a sense he'd love it. He can shut down all investigations and start retaliatory ones. Leave the trains running on time to McCarthy as deputy something or other. He can go to State of the Union and throw stuff at Biden.

Once again, Fox News is controlled opposition.
Well, I could make it work, if anyone up there is interested. Seems like I have as good a chance to get it as McCarthy. Maybe even better.

The screen shots of your posts in here alone would be enough to get you a sit down with the Dems the next time they take the majority . I donโ€™t think they would help you with the R majority .
It's coming from AOC, so there is a strong possibility that it's not accurate ... but she is telling reporters from MSNBC that McCarthy has begun reaching out to moderate House Democrats, to find the 15 votes he needs to get to 218. If that is true, then this has reached an epic level of pitiful desperation for McCarthy.

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