Will McCarthy be SOH?

Ok, prepare to be disappointed. The only thing we can hope for out of this HOR is derailing the Biden agenda and with McCarthy as SOH that won't happen. All we will get is more "compromise" spending. Biden's handlers will get what they want and McCarthy will get his pet projects funded.
Something remains better than nothing and again, we elected these people. Yes, they need to do better but we, first, need to do better.

It's obvious at this point that there's a group that hates McCarthy and he needs to do what's best for the GOP and drop out or he's going to be useless as a Speaker. The problem is that anyone else as Speaker is also going to face the same compromises every Speaker faces and become hated by some faction for that compromise.

With such a slim majority, the GOP is going to have to get together and compromise with each other or get nothing until we lose the majority in the next election because this looks awful. We've got to govern and that's not happening.

Gumming the works just because you can isn't a long-term strategy. They need to behave like adults.
It's such a subjective question - more than a dollar, less than all the dollars... I don't think it should be a blank check I guess. Is there an amount more or less than the current that you'd find acceptable?
They said "As long as it takes" . Question is what is the objective. To stop putin? Then why did we wait until the invasion to start sending defensive weapons only ?And russian migs from former soviet block countries the ukrainian pilots already knew how to fly? Or was it to bankrupt America and install a central government under democratic control. china 2.0. They already have police stations here.
McCarthy should withdraw his name from consideration. This is getting ridiculous. There have been 8 votes now, and the numbers never change. 20 Republicans are voting for someone else. Forget 218, McCarthy can't even get to a simple majority. It's been Jeffries every time.
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I'm personally happy that the freedom caucus is plugging up the works. If what they are indeed asking for is what it will take for McCarthy to relinquish and say okay, I'm good with that. Who doesn't want a vote on term limits?


Other than the fact agreeing to these demands would curtail his powers and limit his ability to run his own fiefdom why would any R candidate for SOH refuse to agree?
lock downs were justified for a short period of time until we understood what we were dealing with, after that Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and others opened up.
Bradley County seemed to pretty much open back up after June, 2020. I hated going to Hamilton County where they acted like it was the Bubonic plague going around. Still avoid going down there. Have not been to R.E.I. since last winter because they are in Hamilton County.

Do not go to Knoxville much, but understand they were bed-wetting over it as well, so less of a reason to go there anymore.
Bradley County seemed to pretty much open back up after June, 2020. I hated going to Hamilton County where they acted like it was the Bubonic plague going around. Still avoid going down there. Have not been to R.E.I. since last winter because they are in Hamilton County.

Do not go to Knoxville much, but understand they were bed-wetting over it as well, so less of a reason to go there anymore.
So I assume you have nothing to do with Halloween since people in masks seem to scare you deeply
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Bradley County seemed to pretty much open back up after June, 2020. I hated going to Hamilton County where they acted like it was the Bubonic plague going around. Still avoid going down there. Have not been to R.E.I. since last winter because they are in Hamilton County.

Do not go to Knoxville much, but understand they were bed-wetting over it as well, so less of a reason to go there anymore.
Small world, born and raised in Bradley County, live in Athens but still work in Cleveland.
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Bradley County seemed to pretty much open back up after June, 2020. I hated going to Hamilton County where they acted like it was the Bubonic plague going around. Still avoid going down there. Have not been to R.E.I. since last winter because they are in Hamilton County.

Do not go to Knoxville much, but understand they were bed-wetting over it as well, so less of a reason to go there anymore.

At least one really good restaurant closed down in Knoxville over that ******** 51/49 percentage of alcohol sales law that they passed to “stop the Spread”
I’m not a GOP’er but I can tell you why it is. Hell better yet I can show you why it is . When you broke your expensive driver that you used all the time , what did you do with it ? Let me guess you just kept it in your golf bag and drug it around on the course with you right ? Tell us what we are supposed to do with something that is expensive and broken , what good is it to its owner( s) ? This monstrosity is FUBAR and here we are just keeping on and pretending it’s best if we just ignore that it’s broken

If some of the protections like 2/3 or 3/4 majorities rather than a simple majority were kept in place, think how different it would all be. I've chaired ASME subgroups writing standards, and those required consensus for passage by the subgroup writing the standard, and then again for approval/adoption at the levels above. You can't have one person or faction dictating, and there's a lot of work to get people with differing views to agreement. Engineers are different from congress though; we deal with fact and not money. If you deal with money, the "compromise" can be that everybody gets to add a piece of pork rather than weeding out the chaff.

In the end the only way to make congress work is get rid of simple majorities and require that any legislation be restricted to one thing ... no adders of any kind to entice others to vote. Straight up or down on the merits of the one item - have to limit the length of the legislation and require it be written unambiguously in plain, concise, standard English ... no BS legalese. "Should" and "shall" and "may" and "will" to delineate the difference between an absolute requirement and discretion. Also have to sever the BS agreements like "I'll vote for your bridge if you'll support my whatever" - that's bribery and collusion; and the reason for insisting "one bill - one item" in the first place. Horse trading isn't compromise toward reasonable, workable legislation; it's why congress is corrupt and we as a country are in debt and completely screwed.
McCarthy should withdraw his name from consideration. This is getting ridiculous. There have been 8 votes now, and the numbers never change. 20 Republicans are voting for someone else. Forget 218, McCarthy can't even get to a simple majority. It's been Jeffries every time.
Who in their right mind would want to accept the job past the second vote. This just goes to show how self absorbed these folks are.
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