Will McCarthy be SOH?

If some of the protections like 2/3 or 3/4 majorities rather than a simple majority were kept in place, think how different it would all be. I've chaired ASME subgroups writing standards, and those required consensus for passage by the subgroup writing the standard, and then again for approval/adoption at the levels above. You can't have one person or faction dictating, and there's a lot of work to get people with differing views to agreement. Engineers are different from congress though; we deal with fact and not money. If you deal with money, the "compromise" can be that everybody gets to add a piece of pork rather than weeding out the chaff.

In the end the only way to make congress work is get rid of simple majorities and require that any legislation be restricted to one thing ... no adders of any kind to entice others to vote. Straight up or down on the merits of the one item - have to limit the length of the legislation and require it be written unambiguously in plain, concise, standard English ... no BS legalese. "Should" and "shall" and "may" and "will" to delineate the difference between an absolute requirement and discretion. Also have to sever the BS agreements like "I'll vote for your bridge if you'll support my whatever" - that's bribery and collusion; and the reason for insisting "one bill - one item" in the first place. Horse trading isn't compromise toward reasonable, workable legislation; it's why congress is corrupt and we as a country are in debt and completely screwed.
I’m sure if we really all knew what kind of pork was in those bills, all of our heads would explode 🤯
You sound like all the rest , oh we need a strong federal government so we can fight around the world . Why ? What’s wrong with minding our own businesses taking care of our own country and it’s people instead of fighting oh I dont know proxy wars and giving away billions to other countries .

We need a "strong" but streamlined federal government to do those few things that need be done at a federal level, and they need to keep their filthy hands out of everything else. You can understand the need for an Interstate Commerce Act to keep individual states from creating havoc or basic theft. We don't have to educate the same or think the same across the board, but on some things we do have to act decisively as a nation or we are Africa with a bunch of feuding tribes.
Who in their right mind would want to except the job past the second vote. This just goes to show how self absorbed these folks are.
Kevin McCarthy certainly fits that description. He has been positioning himself (some people might use the word 'scheming') for the Speakership going on two years now. It's obviously an important career ambition for him. He simply doesn't have the votes, and he is just banging his head up against the wall. There is a pathetic element to this.

Vote #9 is underway. Yay!
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Kevin McCarthy certainly fits that description. He has been positioning himself (some people might use the word 'scheming') for the Speakership going on two years now. It's obviously an important career ambition for him. He simply doesn't have the votes, and he is just banging his head up against the wall. There is a pathetic element to this.

Vote #9 is underway. Yay!

#9 didn't last long

We need a "strong" but streamlined federal government to do those few things that need be done at a federal level, and they need to keep their filthy hands out of everything else. You can understand the need for an Interstate Commerce Act to keep individual states from creating havoc or basic theft. We don't have to educate the same or think the same across the board, but on some things we do have to act decisively as a nation or we are Africa with a bunch of feuding tribes.

The interstate commerce clause has become a joke, it's used by the federal .gov to push political agendas and pick winners/losers. Per the ICC CA shouldn't be able to enact regulations that dictate standards nationwide, either the federal .gov enforces the ICC or it needs to be done away with.
Kevin McCarthy certainly fits that description. He has been positioning himself (some people might use the word 'scheming') for the Speakership going on two years now. It's obviously an important career ambition for him. He simply doesn't have the votes, and he is just banging his head up against the wall. There is a pathetic element to this.

Vote #9 is underway. Yay!

He could easily be speaker if he wanted the job but simply being SOH is not as important to him as total control is.
The folks that actually understand what’s going on didn’t fall for it. Once your eyes are opened to the problem it makes sense.

Only an outsider can honestly propose draining the swamp. Unfortunately that can't be done alone, and the outsider will either be driven out or absorbed by the insiders and made part of the swamp. Trump was either foolishly optimistic or completely misunderstood the problem - a fool in either case. Still, we need more people in government who are not part of the DC crowd and who at least try to make change. As naïve as it is to think it, maybe enough of them would make inroads into the problem. Imagine someone with Trump's good ideas who could present them like Reagan.
He could easily be speaker if he wanted the job but simply being SOH is not as important to him as total control is.
I'm not so sure about that.

I get the feeling that Matt Gaetz, Andrew Clyde, Lauren Boebert and Chip Roy just don't want Kevin McCarthy to be the Speaker of the House, and if McCarthy did give in to their publicly stated demands, those Republican Reps would simply come up with more leadership-crippling demands. I think there is more to this than we know. At the very least, they think that McCarthy is weak, and can be bullied.
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I'm not so sure about that.

I get the feeling that Matt Gaetz, Andrew Clyde, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Chip Roy just don't want Kevin McCarthy to be the Speaker of the House, and if McCarthy did give in to their publicly stated demands, those 5 Republican Reps would simply come up with more leadership-crippling demands. I think there is more to this than we know.

The dolt MGT is voting for him.
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He could easily be speaker if he wanted the job but simply being SOH is not as important to him as total control is.
Don't know if there is anything he can do to negotiate this. Seems there are five of them that would not vote for him if he walked on water.

Not against the push by the Rebels. I wholeheartedly agree the way business is done in the House is a complete and utter mess and it seems they are wanting meaningful change made (I say without full knowledge of what all is being negotiated, so a distinct possibility I don't know what I'm talking about) and they are in a unique position to demand it. I do not buy the delay is causing problems and that they're "not able to do the business of the people" is a hollow argument to me. The longer they stay at it, the less damage they can do the country.
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The interstate commerce clause has become a joke, it's used by the federal .gov to push political agendas and pick winners/losers. Per the ICC CA shouldn't be able to enact regulations that dictate standards nationwide, either the federal .gov enforces the ICC or it needs to be done away with.

Exactly. Rules have to be sane and enforcement consistent. Otherwise you have nothing except a basis for corruption that destroys the reason for establishing the "solution" in the first place. CA is being allowed to do the very thing the ICC was established to prevent.
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I'm not so sure about that.

I get the feeling that Matt Gaetz, Andrew Clyde, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Chip Roy just don't want Kevin McCarthy to be the Speaker of the House, and if McCarthy did give in to their publicly stated demands, those 5 Republican Reps would simply come up with more leadership-crippling demands. I think there is more to this than we know. At the very least, they think that McCarthy is weak, and can be bullied.
she's voted for him very time

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I'm not so sure about that.

I get the feeling that Matt Gaetz, Andrew Clyde, Lauren Boebert and Chip Roy just don't want Kevin McCarthy to be the Speaker of the House, and if McCarthy did give in to their publicly stated demands, those Republican Reps would simply come up with more leadership-crippling demands. I think there is more to this than we know. At the very least, they think that McCarthy is weak, and can be bullied.
It's already been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that McCarthy is weak and can be bullied. Have you seen the socialist crap he's helped pass over the past two years?
The interstate commerce clause has become a joke, it's used by the federal .gov to push political agendas and pick winners/losers. Per the ICC CA shouldn't be able to enact regulations that dictate standards nationwide, either the federal .gov enforces the ICC or it needs to be done away with.

Personally, I think Wickard v. Filburn was possibly the most corrupt expansion of Federal regulatory power and it was based on the ICC.
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If some of the protections like 2/3 or 3/4 majorities rather than a simple majority were kept in place, think how different it would all be. I've chaired ASME subgroups writing standards, and those required consensus for passage by the subgroup writing the standard, and then again for approval/adoption at the levels above. You can't have one person or faction dictating, and there's a lot of work to get people with differing views to agreement. Engineers are different from congress though; we deal with fact and not money. If you deal with money, the "compromise" can be that everybody gets to add a piece of pork rather than weeding out the chaff.

In the end the only way to make congress work is get rid of simple majorities and require that any legislation be restricted to one thing ... no adders of any kind to entice others to vote. Straight up or down on the merits of the one item - have to limit the length of the legislation and require it be written unambiguously in plain, concise, standard English ... no BS legalese. "Should" and "shall" and "may" and "will" to delineate the difference between an absolute requirement and discretion. Also have to sever the BS agreements like "I'll vote for your bridge if you'll support my whatever" - that's bribery and collusion; and the reason for insisting "one bill - one item" in the first place. Horse trading isn't compromise toward reasonable, workable legislation; it's why congress is corrupt and we as a country are in debt and completely screwed.
So if you are emperor for a day, which is it? 2/3 or 3/4? I'm open to either one.
Who is going to do the whittling? Largely, the House.

About 40¢ of every dollar in the State of TN budget comes from Feds. If you think that stream can just "stop" or be drastically cut without severely damaging the TN economy, even if we stopped sending most Federal Taxes to DC, you're dreaming.

There's WAY to much bloat and waste in the Federal govt but the current shutdown of House activity, the inability to elect a Speaker when we control the House and SHOULD be getting to work ASAP on improving govt efficiency isn't the way.

McCarthy isn't a great choice but it's likely your elected House Representative is supporting him. Mine is and we need to look inward. If we want it repaired, you need to elect folks like yourself, like myself to whittle it down.

We've failed. We've obviously failed because 200+ of OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES are supporting McCarthy. "Conservatives" like DesJarlais and Fleischmann who we keep sending to office are right in McCarthy's corner.

We need to better and stop just blaming DC.

But what if TN collected what TN needs to operate from Tennesseans rather than the feds collecting taxes and then sending money back to TN ... complete with restrictions. The federal government has a lot of handling costs, and a lot of that "money from the federal government" is wasted due to inefficiency. The study of thermodynamics shows that with every energy transaction there are losses - it's no different in another field of endeavor - the more the transactions involved the less efficient the process. If TN wants to educate children differently than CA, so be it; it's not the place of the feds to dictate national standards for everything.
But what if TN collected what TN needs to operate from Tennesseans rather than the feds collecting taxes and then sending money back to TN ... complete with restrictions. The federal government has a lot of handling costs, and a lot of that "money from the federal government" is wasted due to inefficiency. The study of thermodynamics shows that with every energy transaction there are losses - it's no different in another field of endeavor - the more the transactions involved the less efficient the process. If TN wants to educate children differently than CA, so be it; it's not the place of the feds to dictate national standards for everything.
You're right...the Articles of Confederation were great!!
Well, I could make it work, if anyone up there is interested. Seems like I have as good a chance to get it as McCarthy. Maybe even better.
Based on your interactions on this website? There's a better chance they vote in Obama.

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