Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
never said organized (though it could be). they expressed concerns about it being meaningful (hence the article).

Google it (may have the year wrong but it seemed to be connected to 2012 election - they were concerned about mail in voting)

I just do not see any evidence of a claim that someone is out there organizing and communicating with people to fabricate ballots. It makes no sense and if it happened there is no way it would be kept secret for more than an hour.
Let's see what comes up in the investigation before we junk literay millions of votes nationwide, the majority of which the polling suggests will be for Biden.

not saying to junk millions of votes but moves to say votes can come in well after the election with no postmark (a couple states) are nuts.

Trump won Michigan by less than 11K votes out of 4548382 votes - less than 1/4 of 1%. It doesn't require widespread fraud to change that.
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not saying to junk millions of votes but moves to say votes can come in well after the election with no postmark (a couple states) are nuts.

Trump won Michigan by less than 11K votes out of 4548382 votes - less than 1/4 of 1%. It doesn't require widespread fraud to change that.

The article about the tray of Trump ballots being found has zero to do with counting ballots received at a state's election HQ after 11/3.

Until NOW, such ballots have been counted. They were typically small in number because few percent of people voted that way. In the primaries, it was 50 percent plus.

Realizing that Dems do this more than Republicans, Trump and his team have been working hard to find ways to set up disregarding them.... even though it is standard to count them and has been for a long time.

The truth will come out and Trump, Barr, and their cronies may well face charges for criminal conduct when it is proven they attempted to illegally thwart the election.

It could get ugly. I can see things moving to the streets, I truly can. The Dems are not going to accept Trump et al swooping in and trying to prevent votes from being counted. Nor should they. Its fundamental to the country.
The article about the tray of Trump ballots being found has zero to do with counting ballots received at a state's election HQ after 11/3.

Until NOW, such ballots have been counted. They were typically small in number because few percent of people voted that way. In the primaries, it was 50 percent plus.

Realizing that Dems do this more than Republicans, Trump and his team have been working hard to find ways to set up disregarding them.... even though it is standard to count them and has been for a long time.

The truth will come out and Trump, Barr, and their cronies may well face charges for criminal conduct when it is proven they attempted to illegally thwart the election.

It could get ugly. I can see things moving to the streets, I truly can. The Dems are not going to accept Trump et al swooping in and trying to prevent votes from being counted. Nor should they. Its fundamental to the country.

Ballots have not been counted that come in late and are not postmarked. In Pennsylvania mail ins were not counted if they signature didn't match (basic security) but now that's up in the air.

In states where no pre-election post mark is required it's possible to see who didn't vote and fill out ballots. Ballots are going to mysteriously appear days after the election.

It's a cluster because the rules are being changed now rather than well prior to the election.

It's hilarious that you default to Trump/Barr are the culprits. Every day there's a new story about mail in ballots having issues from misprints to being lost then found weeks later to being tossed to changing the rules to make it virtually impossible to trace to a voter but yeah, Trump and Barr are the issue.
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Seriously, do you EVER read past the headline? E.V.E.R.????
Im sorry these facts are hard for you to deal with.

And yes, in the article they report that she even received an award from the Democrat party for her work

Hawkins, a Democrat who just a few months ago was honored by the state party with the Dingell/Levin Award at its Legacy Dinner

Makes sense. She will be rewarded for her loyalty to the party
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The only way I will have any issues with the outcome of this election is if in battleground states mail in ballots are continually counted for days after the election and more and more ballots magically show up for Biden. I am sure if this happens the stream of ballots will suddenly stop coming in once Biden gets enough votes.
Ballots have not been counted that come in late and are not postmarked. In Pennsylvania mail ins were not counted if they signature didn't match (basic security) but now that's up in the air.

In states where no pre-election post mark is required it's possible to see who didn't vote and fill out ballots. Ballots are going to mysteriously appear days after the election.

It's a cluster because the rules are being changed now rather than well prior to the election.

It's hilarious that you default to Trump/Barr are the culprits. Every day there's a new story about mail in ballots having issues from misprints to being lost then found weeks later to being tossed to changing the rules to make it virtually impossible to trace to a voter but yeah, Trump and Barr are the issue.

You are a good little toadie, aren't you? Just tow that line....
I'll be voting October 14 in person. When the votes are counted and certified, that's it. Same opinion I had in 2016. It would be nice to know Nov. 3-4, but I've got a feeling it is going to be several long, argumentative stressful ass days before we know.
I am talking the actual intake of votes.

I have no issue with recounting of actual votes received by the appropriate date.

I grew up, and operate, under the belief that if I dont want to be late, dont be on time, be early. Especially when it comes to the government.

With mail in voting there is no excuse to wait to the last minute and face a possible delay by USPS.

My big issue would be over whether mail in ballots were requested or just sent out gratuitously. But then I also have a problem with voter registration other than by actual election commission staff, so that could just be me and my biases speaking.
Two weeks might not be enough in some places. And certainly a state decided by perhaps a thousand votes would have problems with that.

If someone really cares they will make all efforts to ensure their vote is counted. If they don't care enough to do that maybe they shouldn't be voting at all.
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If someone really cares they will make all efforts to ensure their vote is counted. If they don't care enough to do that maybe they shouldn't be voting at all.

Now you are valueing votes on how much people care? Even if they are legitimately cast but arrive late due to Trump shenannigans?

Tell you what, I am making the criteria to vote a) you must have a college degree, b) you may not have had sex with a relative in the last 6 months.

That means Trump gets .00000003 % of the total vote.
Now you are valueing votes on how much people care? Even if they are legitimately cast but arrive late due to Trump shenannigans?

Tell you what, I am making the criteria to vote a) you must have a college degree, b) you may not have had sex with a relative in the last 6 months.

That means Trump gets .00000003 % of the total vote.

Why should I care about someone's vote more than they do?
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You didn't ask but I'll throw this in for whatever it's worth. Choosing to not be anxious or fearful about current and future events is not an easy path. But it is the path i've chosen. If it weren't for my interaction with the lovable folks in this forum, I would not next to nothing about what is going on in our world.

Me, too. I don't have a clue who Lemmon, Q, or half the other names that come up are. Some I've heard of but don't have a clue which network or side they belong to. If something doesn't show up as a topic on the PF, it must not be important.
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Let's see what comes up in the investigation before we junk literay millions of votes nationwide, the majority of which the polling suggests will be for Biden.

There needs to be some sort of verification for the voter that the mail in vote has been received and counted.
There were some "mostly peaceful protests" after the 2016 election.

Some of the most serious anti Trump protests were within the FBI and DOJ - and they didn't necessarily wait for the election either.
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If only there was contraption which could hold the ballots until election day. Then those ballots could be removed and tallied. Like a ballot cistern...no, that's no good. A ballot bucket...better, but should have impression of security. Well yall get the gist... someone creative can think of a clever name for the box.

I've always wondered about those things that supposedly tabulate ballots but look much more like a shredder.
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Mail voting is more susceptible to fraud than in person voting. That has been established. Add in, last minute rules for mail in voting and it's simply not a system that people have faith in. The debate seems to surround how much fraud.

Test, review and develop a new system over time and implement - no problem.

Actually it seems that anything other than in person voting supported by picture IDs is questionable. There's no real way of knowing who filled in the blocks on a mail in ballot or who was selecting at home on a computer or phone - or who may have been "helping" those people with the selections.
not saying to junk millions of votes but moves to say votes can come in well after the election with no postmark (a couple states) are nuts.

Trump won Michigan by less than 11K votes out of 4548382 votes - less than 1/4 of 1%. It doesn't require widespread fraud to change that.

New version of the old demo standby - just discovered ballot boxes full of uncounted ballots - and this changes everything

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