Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
The craziest thing is that an organization's employee union has announced support for one candidate and they are in charge of handling a significant portion of ballots.

It's Banana Republic stuff
I don't think this can be said enough.

A group that wants Biden to win will be responsible for movement of ballots for Biden and his opponents.
WaPO Editorial Board:

"The most distinct danger, in other words, is not that Mr. Trump will refuse to cede power after unambiguously losing. It is plausible he will lead in key states on the evening of Nov. 3, based on an advantage in in-person voting — and that his lead will then diminish or disappear as mailed ballots are counted. If he falsely portrays the shift or the delay as scandalous, will Republicans stand up for democracy and the truth? Or will they support him as he seeks to do what he has openly said he intends — to “get rid of the ballots”?

A president with a modicum of decency would seek to reduce national tensions and assure Americans that the government is working to ensure that every American has a fair opportunity to vote. During a pandemic, that would mean acknowledging that many more Americans will want to vote by mail, which was not controversial until Mr. Trump decided it might hurt his chances. It would mean explaining that the shift toward mail-in voting might make things feel different — full results will not be available on election night, for example — but assuring people that this is not evidence of fraud.

That is not the president we have. So it falls to others — Democrats and, we hope, Republicans — to explain and explain again. Mail-in and early voting are safe and appropriate. The winner may not be known on election night. It is more important that every vote be counted. Vote, be patient, and do not be swayed by the president’s lies."

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Presume that this potential situation is the result of an older(?) demographic that is presumed to vote for Biden AND mail it in due to virus concerns... anyone?

This scenario would be really, really bad.
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WaPO Editorial Board:

"The most distinct danger, in other words, is not that Mr. Trump will refuse to cede power after unambiguously losing. It is plausible he will lead in key states on the evening of Nov. 3, based on an advantage in in-person voting — and that his lead will then diminish or disappear as mailed ballots are counted. If he falsely portrays the shift or the delay as scandalous, will Republicans stand up for democracy and the truth? Or will they support him as he seeks to do what he has openly said he intends — to “get rid of the ballots”?

A president with a modicum of decency would seek to reduce national tensions and assure Americans that the government is working to ensure that every American has a fair opportunity to vote. During a pandemic, that would mean acknowledging that many more Americans will want to vote by mail, which was not controversial until Mr. Trump decided it might hurt his chances. It would mean explaining that the shift toward mail-in voting might make things feel different — full results will not be available on election night, for example — but assuring people that this is not evidence of fraud.

That is not the president we have. So it falls to others — Democrats and, we hope, Republicans — to explain and explain again. Mail-in and early voting are safe and appropriate. The winner may not be known on election night. It is more important that every vote be counted. Vote, be patient, and do not be swayed by the president’s lies."

# # #

Presume that this potential situation is the result of an older(?) demographic that is presumed to vote for Biden AND mail it in due to virus concerns... anyone?

This scenario would be really, really bad.

Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?
I don't think this can be said enough.

A group that wants Biden to win will be responsible for movement of ballots for Biden and his opponents.

The leader of the postal service is a Trump appointee and GOP donor. So the person in charge of the postal service, which has become more important than ever before in a national election, wants Trump to win. Biden seems to clearly have more to lose from the post office not doing its job effectively. Also, just because your some random dong working for the post office doesn't mean you're anti-Trump. My brother-in-law works for USPS and regularly attends Trump rallies. The union can't force you to vote blue.
So to mail in a ballot you have to do so at some arbitrary point in advance and hope it gets there on time?

Yeah, no.
In other words, mail it like you would anything else up against a deadline? I want everybody to vote, but seriously... how much easier can we possibly make it?
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Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?
Nothing odd about Republicans trying to suppress the vote. The virus has nothing to do with the Republican way.
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Could you be less intellectually honest?
Yea, I could have asked a question like this:

Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?

I get it thought, you were going for something like this: the Virus is a Democrat conspiracy to advance their goal to allow people to vote by mail.
Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?

Nope. Honestly, we should have an option of electronic voting. We can file our state and federal taxes securely this way, so there's no way we can't do the same thing for voting.
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Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?
Let's just remember, these are the same people that say it's IMPOSSIBLE and RACIST to ask people to prove who they are with an ID to vote.
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Nothing odd about Republicans trying to suppress the vote. The virus has nothing to do with the Republican way.
I'm sure you are totally fine with Bloomberg buying votes in Florida though. Haven't heard a peep about that. But lord have mercy if someone else did it you'd be throwing a temper tantrum right behind LG.
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Yea, I could have asked a question like this:

I get it thought, you were going for something like this: the Virus is a Democrat conspiracy to advance their goal to allow people to vote by mail.

No, You missed as usual. I think they are using the virus to further their agenda.
No, You missed as usual. I think they are using the virus to further their agenda.
No, it's the voter taking advantage of the situation, both Democrat and Republican. Putting mine in the mail in a few minutes. Right beside Biden/Harris is a perfectly filled in oval. Didn't go outside the border a bit. My witness said it was the most perfect oval ever.
The only way I will have any issues with the outcome of this election is if in battleground states mail in ballots are continually counted for days after the election and more and more ballots magically show up for Biden. I am sure if this happens the stream of ballots will suddenly stop coming in once Biden gets enough votes.

Mail in ballots are going to be counted after Election Day in close races, and some of those ballots will be votes for Biden, so this seems like a “no” answer
Do you not find it odd that one party has been pushing this way of voting for years with no success and now all of a sudden the virus demands we do it this way?

Not odd unless you have a better way to vote remotely like we’ve been doing everything else remotely
I'm sure you are totally fine with Bloomberg buying votes in Florida though. Haven't heard a peep about that. But lord have mercy if someone else did it you'd be throwing a temper tantrum right behind LG.

If Trump wanted to pay off what are essentially poll taxes so that disenfranchised felons could vote, I would 100% support him in doing so.
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I'm smelling something fishy. Someone threw away Trump votes and someone was digging through the trash. I bet it was the same person.
Or someone at work ran their mouth and one of those secret Trump supporters told on them.
Nope. Honestly, we should have an option of electronic voting. We can file our state and federal taxes securely this way, so there's no way we can't do the same thing for voting.
I would feel better about that than mail in ballots.

Again with the caveat of having more than a few months to get this set up.
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