Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
I have had this discussion with numerous Republican, Trump supporter, or generally anti-Dem friends. They make the same argument in various iterations. For example this one was made to me days ago: "There are people that live in apartments and they send in not just their ballot, but the ballots addressed to the three prior residents there because that's where the election people send them."

When I pointed out that he assumed that the resident was willing to commit a criminal offense and do that, that's three votes out of the total. I then pointed out that, for there to be some organized effort to tell people in apartments to do this is just ridiculous. It would be known.

There is no organized campaign to fabricate ballots. There would be no way on God's green Earth to keep such a thing secret. But that does not stop you, Trump, Barr, and their cult army of ignoramuses from touting it as a viable theory. Just ridiculous.
Then why roll it out now? Why was it not the way we conducted all previous elections? Why did we require a modicum of effort for all these years when it was so clearly discriminatory?

This is not some magnanimous act by the Dems to make sure everyone gets their voice heard. If they thought it would lead to more gop votes it would never be offered by them. Any honest person knows this to be true. No party cares about everyone's vote counting they only care that they get more. Any move is to further that goal
Reversed. I hope I will be able to. Trump hopes he will not be able to.
Nope, but maybe in lutherworld™ where everything is seen through a narrow narrow pinhole prism so as to block any intrusion by reality and facts.
Then why roll it out now? Why was it not the way we conducted all previous elections? Why did we require a modicum of effort for all these years when it was so clearly discriminatory?

This is not some magnanimous act by the Dems to make sure everyone gets their voice heard. If they thought it would lead to more gop votes it would never be offered by them. Any honest person knows this to be true. No party cares about everyone's vote counting they only care that they get more. Any move is to further that goal
Behold, the hidden power of COViD! Without COViD, none of this would be possible.
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Most states have in place something like a ten day window after Nov. 3 for votes to be received. That's nothing new and votes received within the prescribed period should be accepted.

Two things have occurred which appear designed to tinker with that. First, a number of states have in place a rule that the vote counting does not begin until election day. The worry is that this places a strain on those states where mail in voting is heavy. And that it becomes a justification to ignore mailed in ballots coming in towards the end of that process.

Second, related, this is why Team Trump monkeyed with the postal service. To delay arrival of mail in ballots sent in towards the end of the process.

You are an abject fool if you don't think that Trump et al aren't trying to stifle votes. Just a complete idiot if you think its totally clean and not being manipulated.

If they are worried about not having enough staff to count ballots, hire more. Plenty of people still unemployed right now.

The postal service has always sucked-nothing new about that and nothing that Trump has done has really affected that.

As for the fool and idiots part, only those types of people believe that democrats won’t go to court to get ballots counted that are received after the deadlines if the election is close.

If you requested a mail in ballot weeks in advance or one was sent to you weeks in advance , there is no reason in the world that these ballots should not have been received either by Election Day or prior to that.
I have had this discussion with numerous Republican, Trump supporter, or generally anti-Dem friends. They make the same argument in various iterations. For example this one was made to me days ago: "There are people that live in apartments and they send in not just their ballot, but the ballots addressed to the three prior residents there because that's where the election people send them."

When I pointed out that he assumed that the resident was willing to commit a criminal offense and do that, that's three votes out of the total. I then pointed out that, for there to be some organized effort to tell people in apartments to do this is just ridiculous. It would be known.

There is no organized campaign to fabricate ballots. There would be no way on God's green Earth to keep such a thing secret. But that does not stop you, Trump, Barr, and their cult army of ignoramuses from touting it as a viable theory. Just ridiculous.

Yes I believe people would be willing to commit a criminal offense because the odds of being caught or prosecuted are minuscule.
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Nope, but maybe in lutherworld™ where everything is seen through a narrow narrow pinhole prism so as to block any intrusion by reality and facts.
It's a colossal difference; more of a wormhole than a pinhole.
Trump will continue to do everything in his power to throw the election results into question.
The reason is obvious to all but maybe 3 posters. (I was tempted to name them but they will probably out themselves anyway)
It's a colossal difference; more of a wormhole than a pinhole.
Trump will continue to do everything in his power to throw the election results into question.
The reason is obvious to all but maybe 3 posters. (I was tempted to name them but they will probably out themselves anyway)
Oh, go ahead, name them, show us you have balls.
Yes I believe people would be willing to commit a criminal offense because the odds of being caught or prosecuted are minuscule.
Come on man. No one speeds. No one may walks. No one has one too many drinks.
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u must be an abberation because literally every single lefty I've ever talked to still thinks he's a Putin plant.

I can't remember any other election where the media was so focused on asking a nominee if they were going to accept the results of an election that hasn't happened. It's a ridiculous question and frankly quite dangerous to imply a sitting president may need to be foreceably removed.

Whether Trump is a 'pawn' of Russia or not has no relation to whether he won the election IMO.

As for accepting the results, all Trump has to do is say, "Yeah, I will respect the votes of our nation's citizens." Problem solved. But he won't do that. Ever.
Coincidental, somewhat related, happenstance just occured.

I had my fourth census worker come by and ask me to fill out info. I have talked to five of them, but one was about my neighbor who isnt responding. I have told all four I filled out the census at my old apartment. I was not living in my current place on April 3rd. They jot it down on their phone/iPad and carry on. Inevitably someone else comes by to ask again.

There is no reason for me to think that doesnt happen with ballots this election, or others. They are so caught up in the buearactic mess they dont catch what they are doing.
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You didn't ask but I'll throw this in for whatever it's worth. Choosing to not be anxious or fearful about current and future events is not an easy path. But it is the path i've chosen. If it weren't for my interaction with the lovable folks in this forum, I would not next to nothing about what is going on in our world.

I give things a head shake and move on with my life.
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If they are worried about not having enough staff to count ballots, hire more. Plenty of people still unemployed right now.

Depends on getting the okay from, you guessed it, Republican-controlled governing bodies. Fat chance they are going to upset Donny by helping count ballots.

The postal service has always sucked-nothing new about that and nothing that Trump has done has really affected that.

False. Sorting machines eliminated.

USPS removes some mail-sorting machines, sparking concerns ahead of election - CNNPolitics

As for the fool and idiots part, only those types of people believe that democrats won’t go to court to get ballots counted that are received after the deadlines if the election is close.

Yes ! Those rat bastard Dems want the votes counted. How absurd, amirite?

If you requested a mail in ballot weeks in advance or one was sent to you weeks in advance , there is no reason in the world that these ballots should not have been received either by Election Day or prior to that.

A lot of people don't bother to even think about the election until it is right around the corner. That's not ideal, but its reality. Now you want them to vote and mail it in 6 weeks ahead of time? GTFO
Yes I believe people would be willing to commit a criminal offense because the odds of being caught or prosecuted are minuscule.

Plus, our President encouraged us NC citizens to commit a felony and vote twice!

(This is my court defense - that, plus insanity)
More proof of voter fraud...You sir say you are a resident of MA. Voting both places I see.


WAS a MA resident. Moved here due to some sort of flu bug hoax thingee or something. May have been drunk or high or drigh.

All registered here now nice and legal-like.
WAS a MA resident. Moved here due to some sort of flu bug hoax thingee or something. May have been drunk or high or drigh.

All registered here now nice and legal-like.
Depends on getting the okay from, you guessed it, Republican-controlled governing bodies. Fat chance they are going to upset Donny by helping count ballots.

False. Sorting machines eliminated.

USPS removes some mail-sorting machines, sparking concerns ahead of election - CNNPolitics

Yes ! Those rat bastard Dems want the votes counted. How absurd, amirite?

A lot of people don't bother to even think about the election until it is right around the corner. That's not ideal, but its reality. Now you want them to vote and mail it in 6 weeks ahead of time? GTFO
From the article you linked- “a lot of the machines haven’t been used in a while”. Do better counselor
The election and coronavirus have been from page news for months. Anyone wanting a absentee ballot should have already requested it and returned it or they can take advantage of early voting. If you don’t care about the election or the issues the candidates take until Election Day, you shouldn’t be voting imo.
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