Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

Will You Recognize and Support the Presidential Election Results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 88.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 11.3%

  • Total voters
Less so if Biden wins. Trump supporters have to go to work in the morning.
Cops shoot another POC.

What do you think is going to happen?

Harris and Biden going to make a difference by what they say? Doesn't matter, there will still be "mostly peaceful" protests until they become something else after dark. Will stuff be looted and burned? Or not because there is a Democrat in the White House?
Cops shoot another POC.

What do you think is going to happen?

Harris and Biden going to make a difference by what they say? Doesn't matter, there will still be "mostly peaceful" protests until they become something else after dark. Will stuff be looted and burned? Or not because there is a Democrat in the White House?

I was only talking about election related riots/protest. This **** we're seeing in Louisville isn't stopping because we change Presidents.
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President Trump won't commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election. He's stated that the only way he can lose the upcoming election is if it's "rigged". Given Trump's history, it seems probable that Trump would *never* willingly concede an election loss to Biden. Further, it seems probable that Trump will challenge the election results through any means at his disposal including legal challenges, attempted influence of the electoral college process at the state level, etc.

In sum, it's likely that *if* Trump loses the apparent votes / EC necessary to remain President, he won't go without a fight.

So, in light of the forthcoming claims by Trump of election "fraud" and being "rigged", will you recognize the election results or will you back a President trying to remain in office despite losing the election? I've simplified the options to only "yes" or "no", because it's a given that Trump will allege the election is bogus if he loses in the polls.

It seems like a question that's insane to even pose, but that's where we are at this point.

If this thing drags on for weeks afterwards and states he won he suddenly loses cause thousands of votes in boxes start coming in from god knows where then no I will not believe Biden won legally.

I am not going to burn anything down. I will simply keep on keeping on like I did under Obama.

But its gonn be a seriousky divided country if election night results start to change as votes keep trickling in.
If this thing drags on for weeks afterwards and states he won he suddenly loses cause thousands of votes in boxes start coming in from god knows where then no I will not believe Biden won legally.

I am not going to burn anything down. I will simply keep on keeping on like I did under Obama.

But its gonn be a seriousky divided country if election night results start to change as votes keep trickling in.

There will be no "election night" returns. It's gonna be a 7-10 day affair just for the initial ballots to all come in for many states.
There were some "mostly peaceful protests" after the 2016 election.
When, 4 years ago? If so, not even on the news cycle any more.

These "mostly peaceful" protests are all about our racist society and are all started by "3 white lawyers throwing molatove cocktails before running away."

Got your pre/canned speeches ready to post?

Will it matter to you, if this escalates, that within a half hour the police moved in on the PEACEFUL protestors? It is the police job to assist protestors not to incite them. But sooner or later the “ stick” cops can’t wait if those 3 white lawyers don’t show up to throw the molatove cocktails before running away
There will be no "election night" returns. It's gonna be a 7-10 day affair just for the initial ballots to all come in for many states.

I dont remotely trust the democrats.

If they can steal an election they will.

Your super delegate thing literally exist so your side never truly gets to pick your candidate.

I'm still not gonna burn anything down. Biden and his team will do that well enough by themselves.

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