Bruce..."I didn't give the guy a hot dog"...NCAA..."three years, show cause"Penny knows he is considered a booster. Penny knows he paid a recruit money. Penny knows that a booster paying a recruit is illegal. Coaches attest they are unaware of NCAA violations
See Tressel, Jim (he got fired for lying on the attestation)
Memphis been cheating for years. Penny just got caught!Look, I’m not trying to be rude but, I hate Memphis, so stop trying to rain on my parade and quit bringing Tennessee in to this. Memphis is the program in question right now, not Tennessee. And I couldn’t be more happy with how ugly this looks for tiger high right now!
Penny started his mess with Barnes.
But I can’t see Rick being the kind of guy to turn someone in.
Excellent. If they’ve got dirt on Kentucky then they’d better do the right thingI've heard from 2 people associated with the program that they suspect someone from UK is responsible...
Some hurt feelings over the DJ Jeffries recommitment and it was only UK/Mem involved with Wiseman so they have knowledge of the situation
I've heard from 2 people associated with the program that they suspect someone from UK is responsible...
Some hurt feelings over the DJ Jeffries recommitment and it was only UK/Mem involved with Wiseman so UK has knowledge of the Wiseman situation