You're the Imam

They aren't just being criticized. I mean, talk about your understatements!

That was pathetic by Reid. He is so worried about reelection that he allowed his intellectual honesty to be compromised. Truth is, so did Obama, when he backed off of his original comments.

What this country needs right now is someone in the administration or the Congress to step forward and say the truth, which is that the notion that this center is some sort of rubbing of salt into the wound is nonsense, its the opposite; that the people promoting such nonsense are petty charlatans, playing on oversimplistic fears and prejudice; that living in a land of libery means you have to find a way to seaprate out your suspicions from fact; that sad little men like Beck and Limbaugh are using you; that the only thing worse than them is their retarded audiences lining up to protest, well, nothing.

Being an American means first and foremost not being a dumbass.

Which version of the truth do you want???

Its funny that when liberals where the only ones that where having protests, everything was fine and dandy! But now, when conservatives hold protests they all need to be stopped!

Atleast you got the liberal montra of name calling down pat!

Why is everyone that disagrees with you and the elitest class, stupid???
They aren't just being criticized. I mean, talk about your understatements!

That was pathetic by Reid. He is so worried about reelection that he allowed his intellectual honesty to be compromised. Truth is, so did Obama, when he backed off of his original comments.

What this country needs right now is someone in the administration or the Congress to step forward and say the truth, which is that the notion that this center is some sort of rubbing of salt into the wound is nonsense, its the opposite; that the people promoting such nonsense are petty charlatans, playing on oversimplistic fears and prejudice; that living in a land of libery means you have to find a way to seaprate out your suspicions from fact; that sad little men like Beck and Limbaugh are using you; that the only thing worse than them is their retarded audiences lining up to protest, well, nothing.

Being an American means first and foremost not being a dumbass.

Typical nonsense rambling.

So the leadership of the country should tell the people how they should feel? Instead of Beck, Limbaugh and such? Im not sure the people standing against it give a rats rear end what Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Beck, or Limbaugh think.

Maybe you should stroll up to NYC and tell those who do not share your "truth" what they should feel about the situation.
They are being more than criticized? Like? Those who are opposed to this being built there are using their first amendment right to protest and put pressure by legally defined means for this place to relocate. Last I checked Muslims aren't being rounded up and deported, no crosses being burned in front yards, mass graffiti being sprayed on mosques, etc. You act as if some horrible thing is happening. It's sort of like the sensational hype that is "all tea party members are racists" and the claims there are posters and racial slurs being made at rallies.

Sounds like a lot of lies and distortions coming from one particular side here and it's not the one LG is claiming.
I've noticed that this imam, while on his speaking tour, continues to criticize the US while continuing to claim that this center is all about interfaith dialogue and tolerance.

It would go a long way if he were to actually practice what he preaches. Let him, and his mouthy wife, set up a series of townhall meetings. Have them with other local community religious leaders, and hold them in a variety of locations, including a Synagogue, a church and a mosque. Televise them on CSPAN and local affiliates.

Also, I think a lot of this garbage could have been mitigated had it not been for the announced opening date of 9-11-2011. I know LG doesn't fully understand symbolism but even he should be able to understand that one.
And so now, ironically thanks to Newt, Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, and so many others, building it elsewhere undermines the very religious tolerance that those people pay lip service to.
Like most liberals you don't seem to know the definition of "tolerance", do you?

Tolerance does not mean affirmation. It does not mean acceptance. It does not mean agreement.

It means that you respect the rights of others to disagree with you. It means "live and let live"... allowing others to differ with you without attempting to use force to make them change. In no way whatsoever does it in any way limit your right to speak out in disagreement or exercise any of your legitimate rights to protest (boycotts, public protests, evangelism on a nearby sidewalk, etc.)

That was a good thing to hear for the future of the world. Of course, such understanding and working together falls on deaf ears for the ignorant, like Newt, Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, etc.

Another example of liberal respect and "tolerance"?

Liberals are THE most intolerant people in America. That's how you get forced re-education for people who disagree with homosexuality. That's how you get the "fairness doctrine". That's how you get the total disregard for property rights that the left has. That's how you get leftist/humanist public school curricula and vicious attacks against anyone who asks for truth or balance.

When the cosmic busybodies on the left start respecting the rights of others without trying to use gov't to impose their views/opinions on everyone... then they'll have a soapbox to stand on.
What this country needs right now is someone in the administration or the Congress to step forward and say the truth, which is that the notion that this center is some sort of rubbing of salt into the wound is nonsense, its the opposite;
Right... so roughly 70% of the country including a large number of liberal New Yorkers are just too stupid to draw their own opinions about what should be offensive.... They should leave that to know-it-alls like you and Obama, right?
that the people promoting such nonsense are petty charlatans, playing on oversimplistic fears and prejudice; that living in a land of libery means you have to find a way to seaprate out your suspicions from fact; that sad little men like Beck and Limbaugh are using you; that the only thing worse than them is their retarded audiences lining up to protest, well, nothing.

Being an American means first and foremost not being a dumbass.

Which of these people you condemn have actually said, "They don't have a right to build there"?

So people aren't supposed to ask hard questions about this imam's background... they're just supposed to accept your unfounded assurances that he's A-OK with no ties to terrorists or subversive views, right?

It is profoundly hypocritically to turn a blind uncritical eye toward this imam while chastising others for being blind followers.
That was pathetic by Reid. He is so worried about reelection that he allowed his intellectual honesty to be compromised.



That's what I like most about the political board, it's always good for a belly laugh!!! :)
I think this is great! Two cultures are colliding on ones soil, what those of Islamic faith don't understand is America has a way of perverting all cultures that it absorbs. I wonder what would happen if the Imams in the Middle East suddenly found themselves marginalized by more powerful and popular Imams right here in America?
I think this is great! Two cultures are colliding on ones soil, what those of Islamic faith don't understand is America has a way of perverting all cultures that it absorbs. I wonder what would happen if the Imams in the Middle East suddenly found themselves marginalized by more powerful and popular Imams right here in America?

Next thing you know we will have mega Mosques and TV Imams begging for your money.
What this country needs right now is someone in the administration or the Congress to step forward and say the truth, which is that the notion that this center is some sort of rubbing of salt into the wound is nonsense, its the opposite; that the people promoting such nonsense are petty charlatans, playing on oversimplistic fears and prejudice; that living in a land of libery means you have to find a way to seaprate out your suspicions from fact; that sad little men like Beck and Limbaugh are using you; that the only thing worse than them is their retarded audiences lining up to protest, well, nothing.

Again you mention retardation, is that some sort of fixation with you?

Getting the truth from this administration is about like trying to get milk from a billy goat, you may get something but I wouldn't call it milk.

Here is the truth of the matter:

Building mosques on conquered territory has been a practice of islam for fourteen hundred years, indeed the original cordoba mosque was built over a destroyed Christian cathedral.

This is exactly what the ground zero mosque represents to all muslims.

Building mosques over churches in conquered land is standard practise of lslam |
The real rub here is where does Islam stop being a religion and start being a political movement? I'm not sure even moderate Muslims deny that Islam demands/teaches an expanding theocracy.

BTW, guys it is very unlikely the Muslims LG quoted even know what you just posted.
The center isn't being built on the world trade center site, so the whole conquered ground thing doesn't make sense even to the slight degree it possibly could make sense -- unless you're saying muslims have conquered the US or even a small part of NYC. Nor is it a mosque for that matter.

I'm still not willing to capitulate on the islam as a religion of terror issue. I think denying muslims the right to build there reduces the religion to the acts of a few of its members unfairly. I hope people will be able to separate the religion from the terrorists going forward.
The center isn't being built on the world trade center site, so the whole conquered ground thing doesn't make sense even to the slight degree it possibly could make sense -- unless you're saying muslims have conquered the US or even a small part of NYC. Nor is it a mosque for that matter.

I'm still not willing to capitulate on the islam as a religion of terror issue. I think denying muslims the right to build there reduces the religion to the acts of a few of its members unfairly. I hope people will be able to separate the religion from the terrorists going forward.

They are already using the Burlington Coat Factory building as a mosque. They have prayers there daily. Study what the "name" means, this may offer insite
You people realize that the same group already have a mosque 14 blocks away and want to build a new facility to serve the additional constituency, right?

This whole "they are building it as a secret shrine to 9/11" is the biggest bunch of bullcrap to ever come down the pike.
You people realize that the same group already have a mosque 14 blocks away and want to build a new facility to serve the additional constituency, right?

This whole "they are building it as a secret shrine to 9/11" is the biggest bunch of bullcrap to ever come down the pike.

Really? How do you know that? Fourteen hundred years of Islamic history and practice may disagree with you... but your PC worldview must prevail anyway, right?

You have consistently condemned anyone who showed interest in finding out. Why? The truth seems to be that you want to believe that so you do so uncritically. If this guy has questionable associations with extremists then why are you determined to ignore it and have it buried?

I believe they have a right to build there in accordance with the law. For that matter, I believe they have a "right" to build there in accordance with the law if he uses it to express sympathy for "fundamental Islamic" doctrines.

However, I believe that we not only have a right but a NEED to know who is behind this mosque and THEIR views... not the ones you or even an opponent has assigned to them. Let's simply judge by the facts of what they've said, what they've done, and who they're associated with.
You people realize that the same group already have a mosque 14 blocks away and want to build a new facility to serve the additional constituency, right?

This whole "they are building it as a secret shrine to 9/11" is the biggest bunch of bullcrap to ever come down the pike.

I don't know LG, that makes it worse in a way. 14 blocks? So knowing how people felt about the site (and being the religion of peace) they went 3/4 of a mile +/- toward ground zero?

I have to imagine they could have gone 3/4 mile in any direction accept the one they went in, and found a building to worship in.
You people realize that the same group already have a mosque 14 blocks away and want to build a new facility to serve the additional constituency, right?

This whole "they are building it as a secret shrine to 9/11" is the biggest bunch of bullcrap to ever come down the pike.

Build up. Build nearby. No one is denying them the right or ability to build/add on. And that is why you completely fail the argument. Actually the biggest bunch of bullcrap is that this is all some racist conspiracy. Clearly with as you say a mosque already in NYC, your whole argument of race, bigotry, hatred to Islam, and all of the other moronic points made is worthless. You've defeated your own point with saying there is a mosque nearby. Strange that some racist conspiracy let that one slip in there. Strange all of these other mosques that exist got by the vast racist anti-Islam conspiracy. Nice try but you failed counselor.
I don't know LG, that makes it worse in a way. 14 blocks? So knowing how people felt about the site (and being the religion of peace) they went 3/4 of a mile +/- toward ground zero?

I have to imagine they could have gone 3/4 mile in any direction accept the one they went in, and found a building to worship in.

It really doesn't matter where this or any mosque gets built. Whenever a building site is announced everyone will find a reason to b**** and moan i.e. Murfreesboro TN, Temecula CA, Orland Park Illinois, ect.
It really doesn't matter where this or any mosque gets built. Whenever a building site is announced everyone will find a reason to b**** and moan i.e. Murfreesboro TN, Temecula CA, Orland Park Illinois, ect.

As I stated to LG a few pages back. I do not have the right to tell those affected how to feel, no more than you do. Which is what he (LG) has stated needs to happen. And from a politician non the less.

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