Another update on FBI corruption case..

I’m probably in the minority but I think student athletes should get paid. Personally I don’t have an issue with any student athlete that takes money, especially football players.

Just my 2 cents
The escort services is/was a very real and sad thing.

Is being the key word their... But think about this... If you grant that to your players on occasion, then wouldn't you be contributing to them hurting other women cause they expect it (again that's a stretch but not much of one whenever you think about it)
Is being the key word their... But think about this... If you grant that to your players on occasion, then wouldn't you be contributing to them hurting other women cause they expect it (again that's a stretch but not much of one whenever you think about it)

That's not a stretch at all. If I'm the parent of a player who was offered an escort, the coach and I might be trading fist with each other. :boxing2::boxing2::boxing2:
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I guess I am really dumb. Since when is any of this a federal offense, requiring the FBI? An NCAA violation I understand.

And it looks like Bruce is dumber than I am!
I guess I am really dumb. Since when is any of this a federal offense, requiring the FBI? An NCAA violation I understand.

And it looks like Bruce is dumber than I am!

Money laundering, wire fraud, mail fraud, etc. All federal offenses. It's not like Adidas just cut the players a check.
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Pete Thamel said on Finebaum today that he would be shocked if BP was coach at auburn next year. He's never positive about AU, but that's still quite the statement to be tossing around.
I'm pretty sure that Steve Forbes will be getting a 10 year show cause. Busted for giving recruits BassPro gift cards.
Three people/organizations you cannot lie to, or there will be Hell to pay when you get busted:

The NCAA, the Feds, and your spouse.

For certain. The president's campaign team is learning all about this, the hard way. You figured after what happened with Flynn, Manafort, and Papadopoulos that the others would stop lying about least publicly. Oh well, the dominos are starting to fall into place and you're really about to see how these rats eat each other. It's not gonna be pretty.

How do I know these things? Let's just say I know someone on the inside. I'll hafta ask him about this basketball business next time we speak.
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Between AAU Teams, AAU Coaches, Shoe Contracts, One and Done, et. all..........NCAA Roundball is the MOST corrupt and loose product in the land.
All of the gambling and insanity around March Madness is the only thing that keeps it holding on.
In general attendance is dropping and the product is suffering.
I hope the NBA and the idiots running the NCAA is happy.
I pray it ALL collapses.

Cousin Brucey and a slew of other coaches using AAU to recruit should all pay the price. Not co-operating with FBI will be the final nail for Bruce.
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I do not see that North Carolina will get anything since they reckoned the football classes program.They said that anyone could take the class,but,did the ordinary students have to show up at least?Just like justis,if you have money,you slide.If you do not have money,you fried!
I mean with the monopoly of this business, I am sure it was/is like the Wild West with money changing hands rapidly and nobody being safe. You had to see this coming eventually. Right?
“UT suspected of wiring money to the Tennessee Bobcats AAU coach in exchange for signature from 6’8” white dude from the Tri Cities”

If he had one eye, that would sound like Doug Roth, or maybe John Snodgrass. It would be just like us to be cheating while going after someone like that.
Sitting under protective order right now are the fruits of 330 days of monitoring activity by the feds, which one assistant US Attorney noted Thursday was “a voluminous amount of material.” That includes wiretaps from 4,000 intercepted calls and thousands of documents and bank records obtained from raids and confiscated computers, including those from notorious NBA agent Andy Miller.

Hoops corruption case may take down players, coaches, programs

I'd like to see refs added to that list.
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No, I won't do it because maybe on a off chance the kids have changed by now... It's not just someone got paid... It's someone(s) going to counciling for a long time. It's some very serious stuff (as far as the dude are concerned) but the not so serious stuff is kids got paid to come here and expected certain privileges when doing so. Obviously, as you have heard those (jersey and gear deals with Nike, Adidas, Jordan, etc.. Are more than you thought)

Honestly, I don't think the NCAA is too worried about this (money issue) because their deep dark secret with escort services isn't getting talked about.
The question no one is asking is, why all the sudden are they interested in this whenever it has been happening for awhile? Is someone getting cut out of the money?

The federal charges aren't strictly about "kids getting paid." They are about assistants who are taking money to steer kids to certain agents and advisors. Kids getting money can certainly be an NCAA issue, but I don't believe the Feds will ever come after the kids. At this point, the NCAA is only going to have time to look at the most egregious violations, and right now, that involves federal crimes. With the way the system is set up, there will always be kids receiving some sort of extra benefits, and there are actually ways to give benefits that aren't necessarily in violation of the rules.

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