Debate thread

If trump is the alternative, I will vote for Biden.

I wholeheartedly believe a mentally deficient Biden is a much better choice than Trump.
I'm not sure if you guys have picked up on it, but I think trump is a horrendously despicable human who has done irreparable harm to the very fiber of this country over the past 8 years.
As a people, we are dumber, ruder, more bitter, angrier, more childish, more selfish, and more divided because of trump.

But that's just my opinion.
"As a people, we are dumber, ruder, more bitter, angrier, more childish, more selfish, and more divided because of trump."

Try Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It started with them.
The Dem's are playing their hand now and that is why we are seeing more of heels up Harris in the news. The decision is, do we let JB go into election and if he wins, step down and Harris assume the role, or have JB step down now and Harris go head-to-head in the election. They are trying to determine which route would best get them in the WH. I don't think bringing in another outside candidate is viable at this point. It's also why I think the Dems agreed to a debate this early, to see what they have in JB. If the first debate wasn't until September, they wouldn't have a choice but to stay the current path.
My take anyways.

I do think it's sad that these are the best two choices the parties could come up with.
The Dem's are playing their hand now and that is why we are seeing more of heels up Harris in the news. The decision is, do we let JB go into election and if he wins, step down and Harris assume the role, or have JB step down now and Harris go head-to-head in the election. They are trying to determine which route would best get them in the WH. I don't think bringing in another outside candidate is viable at this point. It's also why I think the Dems agreed to a debate this early, to see what they have in JB. If the first debate wasn't until September, they wouldn't have a choice but to stay the current path.
My take anyways.

I do think it's sad that these are the best two choices the parties could come up with.

There really is no two parties, you're playing pretend. I think its quite sad people really haven't figured this out yet. You actually think there is a difference between Obama and Romney, they gave you who they wanted in place... they were going to get their way.
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He's not driving. They're letting him sit in the back and give directions, but they already know where they are going.
He's POTUS. He's driving. If he's incapable, his cabinet has a duty to the country to 25th him.

I don't live in a world of make believe.

Vote for Biden bc you hate trump. No problem. Just don't pretend to rationalize unelected staffers running the country as a good thing.
With a POTUS incapable of “driving the car” who makes the decisions during a crisis?

@luthervol if we were attacked, if NATO or Taiwan were attacked the President and only the President would have to make some quick and critical decisions. So who makes them if Biden is incapable of doing so?
Under that nightmare scenario, the last person in the world I would want making a quick and critical decision would be trump. That's my whole point.
He's POTUS. He's driving. If he's incapable, his cabinet has a duty to the country to 25th him.

I don't live in a world of make believe.

Vote for Biden bc you hate trump. No problem. Just don't pretend to rationalize unelected staffers running the country as a good thing.
Presidents have always been surrounded by unelected staffers making critical decisions. Reagans last years in office were the same as what we have now.
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Presidents have always been surrounded by unelected staffers making critical decisions.
Yes. Irrelevant to the subject of staffers making routine decisions for a mentally unfit president.
Reagans last years in office were the same as what we have now.
If trump is the alternative, I will vote for Biden.

I wholeheartedly believe a mentally deficient Biden is a much better choice than Trump.
I'm not sure if you guys have picked up on it, but I think trump is a horrendously despicable human who has done irreparable harm to the very fiber of this country over the past 8 years.
As a people, we are dumber, ruder, more bitter, angrier, more childish, more selfish, and more divided because of trump.

But that's just my opinion.
You need to actually think with your brain and not your heart.
Reagan 1989 was still functioning 100x greater than current Joe Biden. Stop trying to make yourself feel better about voting for a vegetable.

We’ve not seen Biden function this well in years

Saw Reagan in 89 at LSU and he was still doing well, not great but solid. He most likely had Alzheimer by the mid-80s but that was early yet. The issue with Reagan is the Bush family used that to effectively take over.

George Bush Sr. should have been impeached and criminally prosecuted, and the rest of the family.
What? He's been known as the biggest habitual liar ever- since he entered the race in 2016.

First night in office he sends his press secretary out with specific instructions to lie about crowd size. And so it went.

Oh the horrors!

Just think if he just repeated a lie like saying someone called white supremacist fine people who really didn't.
What? He's been known as the biggest habitual liar ever- since he entered the race in 2016.

First night in office he sends his press secretary out with specific instructions to lie about crowd size. And so it went.
Times were simpler then. I’ll take lies of crowd size over where we are now with failed leadership and excuses (lies) for someone who supposedly got 81M votes.
There really is no two parties, you're playing pretend. I think its quite sad people really haven't figured this out yet. You actually think there is a difference between Obama and Romney, they gave you who they wanted in place... they were going to get their way.
Somewhat agree in that both are power hungry. But as for ideology, they are vastly different.
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The Dem's are playing their hand now and that is why we are seeing more of heels up Harris in the news. The decision is, do we let JB go into election and if he wins, step down and Harris assume the role, or have JB step down now and Harris go head-to-head in the election. They are trying to determine which route would best get them in the WH. I don't think bringing in another outside candidate is viable at this point. It's also why I think the Dems agreed to a debate this early, to see what they have in JB. If the first debate wasn't until September, they wouldn't have a choice but to stay the current path.
My take anyways.

I do think it's sad that these are the best two choices the parties could come up with.

There is so much dishonesty from the left that they have backed themselves into a corner. Lies to cover up lies. The moral superiority has bit them in the butt. Harris was no more qualified to be VP, as Biden was to be POTUS. Harris was placed in the spot to virtue signal. Now with the current crisis in the democrat party with Biden, they cannot get rid of Harris. They would have to run her and she would have to take over if something happened to Biden. It's a mess. The majority of the democrat party doesn't want Harris so Harris was installed and the very definition of failing up like a lot of folks when virtue signaling is involved. She is as lost as a puppy let go in the middle of a desert.
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What? He's been known as the biggest habitual liar ever- since he entered the race in 2016.

First night in office he sends his press secretary out with specific instructions to lie about crowd size. And so it went.
I feel like the WORST lie I heard in the last eight years was still Biden in the debate claiming that no service members had died during his term. That was gross and shameless. And if he actually believed it; that is maybe worse in that he would be admitting how little such thing means to him. I can’t even imagine how much that had to hurt the Gold Star families. But it fits considering how he was caught repeatedly checking his watch during the return ceremony for the soldiers who died in the totally botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
There are little lies; there are big lies; but what Biden said was an abomination
I feel like the WORST lie I heard in the last eight years was still Biden in the debate claiming that no service members had died during his term. That was gross and shameless. And if he actually believed it; that is maybe worse in that he would be admitting how little such thing means to him. I can’t even imagine how much that had to hurt the Gold Star families. But it fits considering how he was caught repeatedly checking his watch during the return ceremony for the soldiers who died in the totally botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
There are little lies; there are big lies; but what Biden said was an abomination

There is so much wrong with Biden that people are not talking about these major lies.
Under that nightmare scenario, the last person in the world I would want making a quick and critical decision would be trump. That's my whole point.

If you would prefer a mental invalid making those decisions over Trump then you are an idiot. Trump might make the wrong decision but at least the powers that be wouldn’t have to wait until 10am to get a decision.
Presidents have always been surrounded by unelected staffers making critical decisions. Reagans last years in office were the same as what we have now.

Staffers cannot deploy the military in response to a crisis. Staffers cannot declare a national emergency and send aid. There are several things only the POTUS can legally do.
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