Florida granting teaching licenses to military + spouses.

I have no idea what their success rate was, but whatever it was, it was completely overshadowed and rendered mostly moot by their decision to cheat.

Kind of like Trump, whatever success one wishes to attribute to him is completely overshadowed and rendered mostly moot by his unlawful attempt to steal the 2020 election culminating in the Jan 6th fiasco.

Why are you bringing Trump into this? Rent free in your head boy. That’s as ridiculous as finding out that someone who claims to be a public school teacher voted for a candidate that had to quit a Presidential race due to plagiarism issues. Does integrity mean nothing to you?
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Bull****. My Dad has a degree in mechanical engineering and couldn’t teach math or science to Elon Musk. My mom has no undergrad and spent about 15 years as a public school para-pro and an actual teacher at private schools that didn’t require a degree. She doesn’t even have room for the awards that she won. That piece of paper has no bearing on whether someone can teach.
It makes one a better teacher.
It makes an awful teacher less awful and a great teacher even greater.
Had your mom had a degree, she would have been even more fantastic than she was without one.
Had your dad not had a degree, he would have been even more awful at teaching than he was.
There are teachers who do wrong.
There are military personnel who do wrong.
There are lawyers who do wrong.
Doctors, plumbers, truck drivers...................................
What point does that make. Your whole APS tangent is nonsense and totally irrelevant.

I guess I missed the part where this has turned into a thread about the qualifications for the military, lawyers, truck drivers and plumbers.
It makes one a better teacher.
It makes an awful teacher less awful and a great teacher even greater.
Had your mom had a degree, she would have been even more fantastic than she was without one.
Had your dad not had a degree, he would have been even more awful at teaching than he was.

Because it is hard to know before you actually see them in action, which is precisely why observed student teaching is of such critical importance. One shouldn't need a college degree to understand that simple concept.

Yes, all those degreed teaching candidates that are rejected. What is that rate again? Or miraculously all the degreed people are great hires? Or you’re admitting many of them are a disaster?

That you fear this tells me exactly all I need to know about you.
Then you would agree that we haven't had greater success in public education.
Certainly not by that definition. But what does that have to do with the conversation?
I was making fun of the guy that said lowering the standards for teachers would lead to greater success; jokingly applying the concept to students to highlight the lunacy.
I actually love this idea by Desantis. It is fantastic. I only wish he would blow it wide open and make anyone eligible. And I wish other governors would jump on it as well.

We have created too many barriers to too many professions in this society.
It makes one a better teacher.
It makes an awful teacher less awful and a great teacher even greater.
Had your mom had a degree, she would have been even more fantastic than she was without one.
Had your dad not had a degree, he would have been even more awful at teaching than he was.
My local school system publishes a rate chart for time employed and degree achieved. As far as I can tell, the teachers go for an advanced degree for the money. Most advanced degree teachers I had in high school sucked.
Certainly not by that definition. But what does that have to do with the conversation?
I was making fun of the guy that said lowering the standards for teachers would lead to greater success; jokingly applying the concept to students to highlight the lunacy.

How could lowering the standards to get a license do any worse than what is already happening? Besides this change only allows them to be licensed, doesn't require any district to hire them.
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The loss of available information (observations) prior to hiring.

So you mean making a decision about something/someone without knowing all the facts could lead to trouble. Like passing a bill without reading all of its contents?

Teachers average 200 work days, other professions average 230. So if you say teachers work 8 1/2 months, you are also saying most everyone else works 10 months.

Link on the 230 and 200 figures?

Last I was told by a teacher here in Jax, 180 days per most teacher contracts. I'll give you a week extra even though reporting days should be included in the 180 but I'm a nice guy.

Also there are usually 260 working days in a year. My company has about 8 holidays on the schedule so looking at 252. Teachers have PTO so if you're going to account for PTO in full time year round, then do it for teachers too. You can tinker with the holidays all you want but it'll only increase by 2-4. I assume holidays are not included in the 180 contract days.

From my view, we are looking at 187 compared to 252. Part of that 187 includes this planning time. Of that contract, teachers make 251.34 per day. That rate with the 252 days is just over 63k.

Now let's do your 200 days, that is 235 per which equals just over 59k when giving it the 252 days. This is a starting salary in the state of Florida. Meaning zero real world experience.

In the event that's the 180 is kids being included, that's just 11 days so 4 days more than the 187 which leaves you short still of the 200 and doesn't move the needle on the points being made.
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Link on the 230 and 200 figures?

Last I was told by a teacher here in Jax, 180 days per most teacher contracts. I'll give you a week extra even though reporting days should be included in the 180 but I'm a nice guy.

Also there are usually 260 working days in a year. My company has about 8 holidays on the schedule so looking at 252. Teachers have PTO so if you're going to account for PTO in full time year round, then do it for teachers too. You can tinker with the holidays all you want but it'll only increase by 2-4. I assume holidays are not included in the 180 contract days.

From my view, we are looking at 187 compared to 252. Part of that 187 includes this planning time. Of that contract, teachers make 251.34 per day. That rate with the 252 days is just over 63k.

Now let's do your 200 days, that is 235 per which equals just over 59k when giving it the 252 days. This is a starting salary in the state of Florida. Meaning zero real world experience.
Luther doesn't do maff.
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Link on the 230 and 200 figures?

Last I was told by a teacher here in Jax, 180 days per most teacher contracts. I'll give you a week extra even though reporting days should be included in the 180 but I'm a nice guy.

Also there are usually 260 working days in a year. My company has about 8 holidays on the schedule so looking at 252. Teachers have PTO so if you're going to account for PTO in full time year round, then do it for teachers too. You can tinker with the holidays all you want but it'll only increase by 2-4. I assume holidays are not included in the 180 contract days.

From my view, we are looking at 187 compared to 252. Part of that 187 includes this planning time. Of that contract, teachers make 251.34 per day. That rate with the 252 days is just over 63k.

Now let's do your 200 days, that is 235 per which equals just over 59k when giving it the 252 days. This is a starting salary in the state of Florida. Meaning zero real world experience.

Good thing you’re a nice guy. What you just did might be labeled in some neighborhoods as a beat down.
Why are you bringing Trump into this? Rent free in your head boy. That’s as ridiculous as finding out that someone who claims to be a public school teacher voted for a candidate that had to quit a Presidential race due to plagiarism issues. Does integrity mean nothing to you?
Why? Seriously???
You repeatedly tried to make a point by referencing the APS teachers who cheated as if they were some type of proof of poor teaching in general.
Could they have been great classroom teachers who just made the unforgivable mistake of cheating?
Does it really matter?
There was a dad who was a fantastic father; coached all of his kids' teams, was a great provider, etc....he just happened to rape his daughter once. How will he be remembered? How should he be viewed?
Luther is having to carry water for the teachers today. Amazing how few people have much respect for teachers these days, isn't it?
Luther is having to carry water for the teachers today. Amazing how few people have much respect for teachers these days, isn't it?

I respect teachers, it's those in the school administration offices and the state/federal departments of education that doesn't respect them and prevents them from doing a good job.
Why? Seriously???
You repeatedly tried to make a point by referencing the APS teachers who cheated as if they were some type of proof of poor teaching in general.
Could they have been great classroom teachers who just made the unforgivable mistake of cheating?
Does it really matter?
There was a dad who was a fantastic father; coached all of his kids' teams, was a great provider, etc....he just happened to rape his daughter once. How will he be remembered? How should he be viewed?
I have been a teacher in public schools long enough that I can retire at any time.
If you have any integrity at all in your profession (or in life), you cannot condone plagiarism. Period. End of Discussion. Just admit you have no integrity.
How does your mind even go to what I bolded? What is wrong with you? Serious question
And btw, you failed 9th grade English yet again, because you keep saying "most everyone" and not "almost everyone."
I respect teachers, it's those in the school administration offices and the state/federal departments of education that doesn't respect them and prevents them from doing a good job.
ding ding ding
Why? Seriously???
You repeatedly tried to make a point by referencing the APS teachers who cheated as if they were some type of proof of poor teaching in general.
Could they have been great classroom teachers who just made the unforgivable mistake of cheating?
Does it really matter?
There was a dad who was a fantastic father; coached all of his kids' teams, was a great provider, etc....he just happened to rape his daughter once. How will he be remembered? How should he be viewed?

Nope. I pointed out that having a degree and “being observed “ didn’t guarantee being a good teacher. Now we’ve gone to TDS and jumped to a father raping his daughter. You’re driving. I’m just laughing at the trip.

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