Hyams reporting Bray has signed

Link to where bray abandoned studying film? I swear, some of y'all just dream this sh!t up and then try and convince others BC you think you are right. Also, the o line was terrible his freshman year and he barely played behind the one for his sophomore year. He barely played with both d rogers and hunter at the same time. This year he played behind a great o line, had a deep receiving corp and a decent run game and he qb'd the 2nd best statistical offense we have ever had. Why does everyone want to put losing on his shoulders? If we had even a mediocre defense we win 9 games with that type of offensive production. It wasn't his fault he couldn't overcome our awful defense. But I guess you throw for 3500+ and 35+ TDs by abandoning film study. Y'all are a bunch of hateful morons and I hope everything bad in life happens to you.

i'd like to see the film where he was throwing beer bottles at cars. but i guess since there is no film, then you dont believe that either.

by the way, this is what the guy is talking about: Tyler Bray couldn

now stfu beotch

ps. i liked tyler bray. think he has the potential to do well if he wants to bad enough
Not really but does Hyams in E Tenn have another spot open on his radio show?

Tennessee Sports Radio probably does. They have several former vol players on air...
Never mind, they are all VFL , Bray would not fit in.

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