I'll have to hand it to CBJ - he knows how to handle a loss

VOLnation will be on suicide watch if UT loses to FU this saturday.

This is what I find unusual

Many know that I backed Dooley up until the point I finally realized no matter how bad I wanted him to succeed he just wasn't the man for the job. Some knew that sooner than I did, but being stubborn, I refused to see the light

Now, some of the same folks that backed Dooley for 3 years are willing to jump on Jones after one bad loss. Yet, he's playing with Dooley's recruits.

I'm just not ready to give up on him or jump him after 1 game.
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Your reaction to this loss has been surprising as you are typically very reasonable and measured.

Not responding to this post per se but in general.

It was rough to watch, no doubt, but all things considered I'm still convinced CBJ is the guy.

I appreciate that and will admit that I am VERY, VERY frustrated and disappointed. I really expected Jones to be better and to show it right out of the gate. He didn't. In fact, he looked WORSE than Dooley who failed miserably in the end.

I AM kind of out of character on this thing. I don't need much... but need some sign... something to hang some hope onto. I saw absolutely NOTHING Saturday.
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This is what I find unusual

Many know that I backed Dooley up until the point I finally realized no matter how bad I wanted him to succeed he just wasn't the man for the job. Some knew that sooner than I did, but being stubborn, I refused to see the light

Now, some of the same folks that backed Dooley for 3 years are willing to jump on Jones after one bad loss. Yet, he's playing with Dooley's recruits.

I'm just not ready to give up on him or jump him after 1 game.
Anyone jumping on Jones after that loss, doesn't get it.
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This is what I find unusual

Many know that I backed Dooley up until the point I finally realized no matter how bad I wanted him to succeed he just wasn't the man for the job. Some knew that sooner than I did, but being stubborn, I refused to see the light

Now, some of the same folks that backed Dooley for 3 years are willing to jump on Jones after one bad loss. Yet, he's playing with Dooley's recruits.

I'm just not ready to give up on him or jump him after 1 game.

I back him getting his full shot to make it work. And... you probably know that I will end up arguing with any and every one that it would be manifestly stupid not to give Jones at least 3 years.

I am simply VERY disappointed in how badly he started. That game was coached as badly as anything we saw from Dooley in the first two years. (nothing can really compare to the unholy union of Dooley and Sal) I really and truly want to have faith in the guy. I was beginning to have hope based on things being reported. The worst loss in 100 years has a way of undoing that when the margin was greatly contributed to by poor coaching.
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Is there something to be said for the idea that it may take a little while to wash off the Dooley stench from this team. Three straight years of the worst coach in football is bound to take a toll.

Of course on the surface --and I'm sure it surprises no one who pays the least bit of attention to me around here-- I agree with sjt18 that the coaching on Saturday looked absolutely pathetic and inexcusable. We lose to ORegon with Saban, but Jones looked MAC league.
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Shut up, guys. We just aren't on sjt's level. We can't provide reasons as to why Butch is the guy just like he can't provide reasons as to why he isn't the guy. That makes us simple minded poons.
Is there something to be said for the idea that it may take a little while to wash off the Dooley stench from this team. Three straight years of the worst coach in football is bound to take a toll.

Of course on the surface --and I'm sure it surprises no one who pays the least bit of attention to me around here-- I agree with sjt18 that the coaching on Saturday looked absolutely pathetic and inexcusable. We lose to ORegon with Saban, but Jones looked MAC league.

It may take Jones a game or two to adjust to coaching with more talent than he has ever had.
Haha, Errr....I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here...Of course no one realized the decisions which were being made at the time were horrible ones (well atleast not as horrible as it all came to be)...I'm not sure where you are getting that I'm saying I knew more than anyone who made the decisions at the time.

But we in fact do have the benefit in hindsight now, so I feel pretty confident in calling a bad decision just that....

So to call me a jackass for calling a spade a spade is pretty much the definition of "Jackassery"...me-boy

Im not saying ur a jackass, just that calling them bad decisions is jackassery. if i im playing odds in a game, and i am statistically favored so i take them and still lose, its not a bad decision. hindsight does not define a bad decision. judging the conditions at the time and weighing all available options, then you can say it was a bad decision. but you did not, and most people do not. you are a spade
Shut up, guys. We just aren't on sjt's level. We can't provide reasons as to why Butch is the guy just like he can't provide reasons as to why he isn't the guy. That makes us simple minded poons.

No... posts like this make you look simple minded.

If you have an argument... make it. Your blind faith isn't my problem.
I appreciate that and will admit that I am VERY, VERY frustrated and disappointed. I really expected Jones to be better and to show it right out of the gate. He didn't. In fact, he looked WORSE than Dooley who failed miserably in the end.

I AM kind of out of character on this thing. I don't need much... but need some sign... something to hang some hope onto. I saw absolutely NOTHING Saturday.

I wouldn't get too hung up on one game. If Dooley had to travel to Eugene rather than play at home the result would have been just as bad if not worse. It was early in the Dooley era too, players still had some kiffin swagger and hasn't learned DD's born loser mentality. CBJ is fighting through that.

I focus on the few penalties and discipline CBJ has brought. His recruiting is out of the park. Combine the two in a few years and we will be competing.

Just need more patience unfortunately. Would have never dreamed the row would be this tough to hoe.
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No... posts like this make you look simple minded.

If you have an argument... make it. Your blind faith isn't my problem.

There is no argument. You've only said you doubt that he's the guy based on the Oregon performance. A performance against a team that had a massive talent advantage against us. Coaches look pretty bad when they don't have players that belong on the same field as the opponent. Butch didn't recruit those players and you're blaming him for their ineptitude. I don't get it.
Is there something to be said for the idea that it may take a little while to wash off the Dooley stench from this team. Three straight years of the worst coach in football is bound to take a toll.

Of course on the surface --and I'm sure it surprises no one who pays the least bit of attention to me around here-- I agree with sjt18 that the coaching on Saturday looked absolutely pathetic and inexcusable. We lose to ORegon with Saban, but Jones looked MAC league.

Point is that if you're willing to give Dooley the pass then the courtesy should be given to Jones

There is no way in hell you can judge a man based on one game

I can say this, Jones has proven he can win. He did it at two prior jobs

That's something Dooley couldn't do

So he's earned at least the chance to win here

One things for sure, he better win or we are screwed. We can't take another coaching change in 3 years
Why all this support for Dooley and none for Jones at this point by some of y'all?

Jones lost big to Oregon, wow, I'm shocked. . . I'd be more shocked if we had won against that team in their house.

The difference between that previous coach and Jones is that with Jones you can just feel that our team will show steady improvement in their play and in the W-L column while with the previous leadership it was just a steady decline from mediocre in his first year to downright stinkin' up the joint in his last. That was the main reason why he was given his walking papers. There was no improvement, only unacceptable losses.

Can't you tell that Jones will make the VOLS a winner by now? The attitude is different, the enthusiasm level is high, the direction is positive and while we got our butt's handed to us, no one was singled out for blame/scapegoating and the direction was "We'll be back!"

It's way too soon to condemn this coach, our players and this program.
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This brings up an interesting thought....has there ever been a team that's had as dramatic of a fall from grace as UT has had?

Notre Dame....Nebraska....Miami...Southern Cal.....Penn State....Oklahoma all have hit rock bottom and rebuilt back to championship level football teams again at some point.
Why all this support for Dooley and none for Jones at this point by some of y'all?

The difference between that previous coach and Jones is that with Jones you can just feel that our team will show steady improvement in their play and in the W-L column while with the previous leadership it was just a steady decline from mediocre in his first year to downright stinkin' up the joint in his last.

Can't you tell that Jones will make the VOLS a winner by now? The attitude is different, the enthusiasm level is high, the direction is positive and while we got our butt's handed to us, no one was singled out for blame/scapegoating and the direction was "We'll be back!"

It's way too soon to condemn this coach, our players and this program.

cant ya just tell? cant ya?! well, cant ya?!

thats the closest your post comes to a counterpoint. glad you "feel" good, but thats not enough. not that there isnt more, im just judging your post is all
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I want to see this SEC run over the next month and a half. 3 games in ive seen a lot that I don't like and not much that I do like. Not looking for wins, just looking for resilience, from someone.
This brings up an interesting thought....has there ever been a team that's had as dramatic of a fall from grace as UT has had?

I think this will depend on when and if UT becomes relevant once again....the clock is still ticking
This brings up an interesting thought....has there ever been a team that's had as dramatic of a fall from grace as UT has had?

I think this will depend on when and if UT becomes relevant once again....the clock is still ticking

There's been several.

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