Whether you like it or not Barry Bonds is the homerun king at 762. :good!:
You're in the sizable minority with that statement. Sorry, but Hank hit his 755 homeruns, all clean. Babe Ruth hit 714 homeruns, most definitely, all clean. So, what gives Barry the right to claim American sports most sacred record, when he hit an unknown number of homeruns(estimated between 100-400 dirty) as a tainted player?
Here's what drives me nuts about Barry. He, like Alex(who at least admitted to it) didn't need to do it. Bonds would have been considered one of the top 15 players to ever play the game. Before he allegedly did steroids(around 2000 would be my guess, due to the numbers), he was NL Rookie of the Year, 1990 NL MVP, 1992 NL MVP, and 1993 NL MVP.
But, look at his numbers. They start to fall off around 1997-1999, and then in 2000, they shoot right back up, and in 2001, at the age of 36, he accomplishes the single season homerun mark.
Either way you look at it, his numbers are not natural, at least late in his career.
EDIT: Strike that Rookie of the Year statement. Todd Worrell was the overwhelming pick that year for ROTY.