Transgender athlete wants to burn the us flag

Because oppression exists everywhere. Doesn't mean we should be comfortable with our level of oppression. How about we let people buy and sell unpasteurized milk? I don't see why the FBI needs to be raiding and prosecuting people over raw milk. Maybe you're cool with that and the war on drugs, and all the other oppressive ********. I am not.
I DGAF about milk or drugs. Neither have an impact on my life.
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How about if I burn a pride flag or a BLM banner on the Olympic podium then? People will applaud, right? The ACLU will rush to my defense?

Probably not but neither should they.

Just like this person, if you lit a flag (any flag) on fire during a medal ceremony you should be blasted with a fire extinguisher and charged with arson.
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Probably not but neither should they.

Just like this person, if you lit a flag (any flag) on fire during a medal ceremony you should be blasted with a fire extinguisher and charged with arson.
That ISNT the way it would go down and you darn well know it.
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I DGAF about milk or drugs. Neither have an impact on my life.
But someone burning a flag thousands of miles from you does? You must be constantly triggered.

Except for their 15 minutes of fame how would this impact you at all?
If this person plans on burning the US flag, then I fully expect the athlete to burn the Japanese flag because they are allies with our oppressive nation.
Opportunity, duh. It's not because our government isn't oppressive.

Is it your opinion that the flag ONLY represents the federal government? Or that our country is ONLY a government? Or is it possible that burning a nation's flag can be seen as something other than a rebuke of the government? For instance, I imagine this trans-athlete may not really care about how oppressive our government is. In fact, I imagine they might even be in favor of locking up people for committing "hate speech". It isn't uncommon for left wing identitarians to be in favor of that sort of thing. However, they might be very upset at what they perceive is a "white cis-hetero normative patriarchal" society that needs to be smashed. Is it wrong for some members of this 350,000,000 population to be upset that this ungrateful douche who is supposed to represent our country on the world stage would want to "smash" the very society who would celebrate their success?
It has zero impact on my life, just like most things that people are divisive over.

The war on drugs is the greatest assault on freedom in this country and there isn't really much division over this. It doesn't matter that the people largely don't want it because we are....oppressed.

And you just don't know you're affected by the war on drugs, but I promise you that it affects you, all things considered.
Maybe “she’ll” land on the crossbar and injure a testicle and be forced to withdrawal before putting her mental illness on display for whoever watches women ride bikes
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Personally, and this is JMO, I think Americans who burn the U.S. flag take their freedoms for granted and don't put enough thought into why they have those freedoms, and the sacrifices that were made in honor of that flag so that they could have that freedom. I'm not sure they appreciate that they live in a country where they are allowed to do such things. In a lot of countries, it would get you arrested. I just don't understand it as a form of protest.

Your response is exactly why they do it.

If people only protested in ways that everyone could easily ignore or feel good about, it wouldn't be a protest.

Do I agree with flag burning? Oh heck no. I'm a Flag Code guy through and through. But I understand its efficacy at getting others' attention.
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The war on drugs is the greatest assault on freedom in this country and there isn't really much division over this. It doesn't matter that the people largely don't want it because we are....oppressed.

And you just don't know you're affected by the war on drugs, but I promise you that it affects you, all things considered.
Wrong. Taxes are
Your response is exactly why they do it.

If people only protested in ways that everyone could easily ignore or feel good about, it wouldn't be a protest.

Do I agree with flag burning? Oh heck no. I'm a Flag Code guy through and through. But I understand its efficacy at getting others' attention.

So you're saying that a trans-athlete who would try to compete in the olympics and then set their own country's flag on fire is seeking attention??? I'm shocked! Lol.
So you're saying that a trans-athlete who would try to compete in the olympics and then set their own country's flag on fire is seeking attention??? I'm shocked! Lol.
And they are getting it.

It's already been an effective protest and it hasnt even happened.
Alternate headline - US citizen wants to exercise free speech

If she does , I hope to read .. Breaking news - “Gay, black , veteran , exercises free will to tackle attention seeking flag burning Olympian off of platform at medal presentation”.
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