Way off topic here, but I'd like to ask a favor. I can not create a new thread, because I do not yet have 100 posts. Could one of y'all create a thread asking the following question: "Which NFL team do you support and why?"
I'm just really curious which NFL teams VFLs support. Thanks in advance!
We should have broke the bank (Gruden) or sold our soul (Petrino) when we were going through a coaching change. It may have looked bad, but these are desperate times. It's nothing against Coach Jones, but his chances of being successful are a coin flip at best. When Alabama was this desperate they did something about it. We flipped a coin.
Also, we need to bring Bruce back too.
So we bankrupt the program on a gamble and hire a coach that has never coached in college in his history outside of a GA position. Or we should have hired a scum bag that would have divided the fan base even more. Pearl isn't coming back and frankly I don't want him back. He screwed up and blew it. We can find another coach if we need one.
If you think Gruden is more of a gamble than Butch Jones than I don't know what to tell you. As for Petrino, nothing unites people that are divided more than winning. One ten win season and Petrinos past troubles would never be brought up again. As for finding another basketball coach if we need one, I think that is easier said than done. In my lifetime (35 years) I have only seen one good Tennessee basketball coach. Just one.
SaintLouisVol said:I am confident the academic demands on a student athlete at the University of Tennessee are quite comparable to most all BCS schools, and pale in comparison to others (who have kicked our butts in recent years).
i don't work on the hill, but the factoids i recited are presented by some who do as in fact being different from our SEC competition, and as putting UT at a competitive disadvantage.
might be a lie, i don't know -- surely those carrying the orange mantle would never stray from the truth, would they?
I suppose there will always be varying degrees of academic standards within the conference. Obviously, Vandy plays by a different set of rules than the state schools. If UT is inching its way toward the other side of the curve, I see that as a great thing. Tennesseans should be excited about improving the academic prowess of our university.
But, how much is it really affecting recruiting? Are there guys going to Alabama or Georgia that really wanted to go to UT and couldn't get in?
And, it might help in some cases. Did you watch the CBJ presser from yesterday? He talked a lot about the QB and how the engineering school helped in his recruitment.
To sum it up, I'll just say that I have no stomach whatsoever for watering down the academics at UT for purpose of getting a few extra football players on the team.
Gruden makes 4 mil a year working 6-10 hrs per week August thru December. If he wanted back in coaching he'd be in Philly or Dallas right now. You need to come to grips with the fact that he wasn't holding out for the UT job at any price.
As for Petrino...he's damn lucky to have WKU.
OP is right on.
Bring in Fulmer as AD... That would be step in the right direction, IMO. The man knows what football means at UT and would know how to deal with academic nerds ruining football.
I like you.
Thanks ma, the feeling is mutualWe must have not butt heads before lol I seem to pi zz off a lot of people by telling them like it is. They dont want to hear it and crucify you for saying anything negative. Just like Count..the guy didnt say something rosey for once and the guy actually has to ask him.."whats wrong count..never seen you on negative side. Well, guess what people, there are a ton of negatives with this program right now. Quit being such "strawberries & champagne" fans!
If you think he works only 6-10 hours/week for 5 months out of the year, you need to come to grips with some things as well.
Hart and Cheek didn't want Gruden or large-scale booster involvement in the hire. If you disagree, go back and look how much money Cheek "gave" Hart for a coach. Then, look at how much we are paying that coach. Coincidence? I don't think so.