What do you REALISTICALLY hope to see this Saturday?

I wanna see us keep Oregon under 40, us score at least 4 tds, and for Worley to finally hit Marquez in stride and have a few big plays.
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What do you REALISTICALLY hope to see this Saturday? A better outing than what Virginia showed against the Ducks. An improved team over what Dooley had last year at this time. Progress from yesterday and last week. You gotta think if Dooley was pacing the sideline yesterday we would be talking about how we lost to WKU.
I want Worley to quit throwing off his back foot. I want to see more Josh Smith and Jonathan Joseph instead of Croom. I want to see the defense actually blitz some. I want to see more carries to go to Lane.
Actually, pretty much all the responses that aren't direct hits on your trolling ARE realistic.

We know Oregon is very fast and very good and that Autzen is very loud. But we also know that Oregon isn't the first good team Tennessee has ever played and we already show signs of improvement in key areas. So we expect to stay competitive even if we end up losing by 2-3 scores.

In others words, we respect your team but expect ours to play to its capabilities even if it falls short...

I really hope you become competitive again. I've said so, check my post history.
The thing I DON'T wanna see is the wheels falling off/the young guys flipping out when Oregon jumps out to a quick 14 or even 21-0.
No injuries, mental toughness, the ability to make the most of every opportunity, competitiveness until the end and the fortitutude to leave anything negative in Eugene and reboot for the Gators. We head to the Swamp the next week. Oregon will be a tough game, but we have a lot of tough games.
I hope to see PortlandDuck in the stands, drunk, leaning forward onto the seat in front of him, and this lady sit on his hands, breaking all of his fingers making him unable to post here.


And, as always, I'd like to see the team play competitively for the entire game, show some progress on O and D, and fight... unlike under Dooley.
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A win.

That's what I HOPE to see - and yes, it's realistic - even if unlikely. If we put together our first quarter defense and third quarter offense, this team is capable of upsetting anyone. Let's not forget we add two new starters to the defense this week.

What I Expect to see? An Improvement from week 2 and nothing more. I want to see Worley get his timing down a bit more and make better decisions when the pocket collapses. I want to see the O-Line show the push we saw in the second half vs WKU. I want to see fewer dropped passes from the WRs. If these three things happen, I don't see why this game shouldn't be interesting into the 3rd quarter.
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6 and 6 and hold this recruiting class together, and a small bowl with a win would not hurt, the main thing this year is not wins or loses its holding the recruiting class together.

Are you serious? Let me just tell you one thing This is Tennessee and TN is ALWAYS about winning period!! All this Negative S$;: ticks me off!
All I would like to see is good effort and no quitting. Welcome the competition, embrace it, then destroy it.
I'm not sure what I expect. I've seen things to give me hope, and some that give me pause. The one thing that gives me pause is in both games we have been stopped in 3rd and one. That really should not happen with who we were playing!! What gives me hope is they seem to be learning from mistakes, and are flying around on defense trying to make something happen. I think we will need some luck to keep close, but we seem to have a knack for helping ourselves out there!!! Go Big Orange and give your all this weekend, we'll be behind ya no matter what!!!
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I just want the W and for the Vol fans who make the trip to enjoy themselves everywhere outside of Autzen. 21-20 or 42-20, it really doesn't matter to me.
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compete for 60 mins
make good halftime adjustments
play fast, physical, hard, and with passion
leave it all out on the field
play for Tennessee and your brothers out there with you
be aggressive and cause turnovers
take care of the ball
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Discipline! Gap control, D playing within the scheme every down, no heroes just playing Team defense. Oregon's speed is displayed week after week, however the SEC and its recruiting philosophy has always been known for athletes with size + ......SPEED. We obviously don't want a 60 min foot race but I dare to think there's not a sizable gap in pure speed, more matchup issues than anything (which is the point, I know) our D is much faster as a unit than previous years. If....IF you keep QB in the pocket, make him beat you throwing the ball, we might hang around longer than the experts think. However if Worley doesn't quickly learn how step UP in the pocket and throw vs side to side back foot throws, it won't matter how well our defense plays. Disclaimer- imo
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You've already lost pac games you shouldn't have but all of a sudden you only lose a couple in a whole season. Let's stick to reality please.

Reality is that Oregon hasn't win dick in the sorry history of its program. Unless titles are awarded for garish uniforms.

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Reality is that Oregon hasn't win dick in the sorry history of its program. Unless titles are awarded for garish uniforms.


You'd love a bowl game in shreveport right now much less one bcs game.

Only someone butthurt would discount four straight BCS bowl games with a winning record overall as nothing. Another truth, your players would freak if they had our unis.

I love it....
Reality is that Oregon hasn't win dick in the sorry history of its program. Unless titles are awarded for garish uniforms.

lol you remind me of my Grandpa when he gets likkered up and starts in about fighting Germans in 8 feet of snow while us wee Nancy boys only had to worry about forgetting our suntan oil and beach balls. :worship:

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