What was the first Tennessee game that You attended?

UCLA in 91. It was outrageously hot.

'twas the only game that I ever went into the concourse area and stayed there throughout halftime in order to get some relief from the heat. If memory serves me correctly, that was the game that Smokey experienced heat stroke or heat exhaustion, which ultimately shortened his lifespan by a few years.
The '06 Air Force game. I still can't get the image of Inky's hit out of my head. Still a hell of a game though.
He was the qb my freshman year. I would agree with what you said, His performance in the UCLA game against Heisman winner QB Gary Beban was a classic. I think we won 37-34, and back then UCLA was a great team.

To further illustrate the importance of Dewey's accomplishments for younger Vol fans, Warren was an integral part of Dickey's first Tennessee teams. In 1964, Dickey's first season, we were 4-5-1. In the next five years, Tennessee was 42-10-3 and Dickey went 3-2-1 in head-to-head competition with Bear Bryant, a record rivaled by few SEC coaches of that period.

Dickey also oversaw Tennessee's transition to the modern offensive era of college football. We were the last team in the country to give up the General's beloved single-wing and had lost two local quarterback prospects, Steve Spurrier and Steve Sloan, because they could see no place for themselves in our then-antiquated offense. Two years after the installation of Dickey's offense, Dewey Warren became the nation's most efficient passer in 1966.

To demonstrate just how thoroughly Dickey revamped Tennessee's offense, consider the following facts: From 1950 to 1965, no Tennessee player threw more than 79 passes, completed more than 44 attempts, passed for more than 588 yds. or hurled more than 8 touchdown passes. Then, in '66, Dewey Warren attempted 229 passes, of which 136 were complete for 1716 yds. and 18 touchdowns.

During the same period, no Tennessee receiver had caught more than 23 passes or amassed more than 357 yds. receiving in a single season. Then, in 1966, Johnny Mills had 48 receptions for 725 yds. and 4 tds., including a monumental 225-yd. performance against Kentucky, which remains the 3rd most yards in a single game by a Tennessee receiver.

By analogy, you might call that transition comparable to going from a Model T Ford to a Corvette . . . in two years.

Incidentally, the so-called "Rosebonnet Bowl," which 1972 Grad referenced, remains one of the great shootouts in Tennessee football history, particularly for an era when prolific offenses were not commonplace.
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My first game was Peyton's last home game against vandy. My dad took believe I was in the 5th grade. I got to watch him lead the band and everything. I remember it was right before thanksgiving so a lot of students had went home for the holidays do we had awesome seats.
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alan cockrell and clyde Duncan connected for a long td but I have not bee to sleep since 7 am Monday so I can not remember the year or opponent right off the bat .but I remember that. good night volnation got to go to bed . got a dr appointment at 10 am in the morning.
My first was the 1991 Memphis game. They were called Memphis State then. We annihilated them 54-17 if I recall correctly. Andy Kelly and Coach Majors were the highlights to me. I was dumbfounded as a 11 yo when the stadium started chanting "Shuler! Shuler! Shuler!" I had to ask my dad who they were referring to. It wasn't an SEC or rivalry game,but it sure made me happy to be a Vol fan. I'm always proud of my Vols. I know we will dominate Bama once again,as they will us again in due time. It's all cyclical. We will be back on top soon. Go Vols!
2012 vs Bama . Yeah......That was fun. My wife (gf at the time) won tickets at work. Put us right in with only alabama people.
I went to that game with My Mom and Dad. It was raining like hell and it shorted out the Walkman I was listening to(and I had a pancho on).

I went with my Dad and I remember him wanting to leave early and me asking him if we could stay because the game wasn't over yet. That's about all I remember.
That was the first game my now wife and I went together. Don't think I have ever heard the stadium that quiet before.

I wasn't at the AF game but I remember Travis Henry landing on his head vs Vandy and how quiet it got. It's really a weird feeling
I wasn't at the AF game but I remember Travis Henry landing on his head vs Vandy and how quiet it got. It's really a weird feeling

I was at that game too. No words can describe what the stadium feels like with 100k people basically holding their breath.
That's a bit odd

I thought so too at first. She stayed in touch with him because of their kids. She has always been a huge football fan. His company had extra tix for the game and she just asked for a couple. I got lucky with her.
I don't remember who we faced in the game, but I do remember watching chuck Webb run like crazy
1970 opener, SMU,28-3 Vols. They gave tickets away by the thousands. Lester McClain scooped up a fumble and ran it in for a TD. Beat Bama and Florida both that year.
My first Tennessee game was the 1989 Duke game. It was fun to see Tennessee beat the hell out of Steve Spurrier's 1989 ACC Champion Duke team 28-6. It was a wild experience being in a crowd of 96,000 plus for the first time(I was used to 40,000-60,000 GT crowds).

U.T. vs. Vandy 1977!!!!!
1970 opener, SMU,28-3 Vols. They gave tickets away by the thousands. Lester McClain scooped up a fumble and ran it in for a TD. Beat Bama and Florida both that year.
It seems to me that was a really hot day if I remember correctly.

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