any killing by a Muslim is attributed to their religion. Christians don't get the same treatment (guess their PR dept is better)
stories such as the OP and the news the past couple of days are starting to come out. Will be interesting to see how they're viewed
are you really trying to argue that a christian man say killing his wife is the same thing as a muslim blowing himself up to protest american comercialism?
probably a good idea if you're an unarmed, peaceful person to not piss off the lunatic with an AK
You got me, that's exactly what I meant.
to use your example just assume both men killed their wives. Which one is more likely to have his religion pointed out in the paper?
I also don't understand the idea of somehow trying to mitigate Islamic actions by throwing out references to the Crusades. We're really going to argue that "Well they did stuff 700 years ago!" as a defense to murderous actions now in the 21st century? I just can't make that connection.
facts? The fact is the vast majority of followers of all religions are peaceful. However some people choose to take a small minority and say it represents the entire group. It's stupid and childish but it gets posted here every single day.
maybe it's just that I personally don't believe that. I just think they happen to be more vocal
Its not a competition. My point simply was that any religion can be, and in fact has been, manipulated to justify a lot of really bad things. That we live in an Age where Islam is the main culprit is hardly grounds for either looking the other way when Christians do it or concluding that Islam is inherently at war with everyone else.
You have me all wrong. I'm in no way justifying what's happening with religious extremism, muslim or otherwise. I was simply pointing out that the crusades were also an example of religious extremism. If one condemns one, one must condemn both.
I am going to ask you to elaborate, on what your purpose of this thread, before I comment.
"We have battled in America since the century's turn to bring to nothing...all Christian influences and we are succeeding. You must work until officials of city, county, and state will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. (there must) be a...foaming hatred of religion...a belief that Christian practice is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable."
(Red Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics)
Nice spin LG.
Guess I can knock off a few of my neighbors in the name Obama, and liberalism gets a bad rap for it..
What happens in the Congo is really representative of the world in the 21st century.
Well, based off of what they used, then they should blame the Jews.
Wheres your "out rage" over Christian's being murdered in your own beloved state of Florida?
You have me all wrong. I'm in no way justifying what's happening with religious extremism, muslim or otherwise. I was simply pointing out that the crusades were also an example of religious extremism. If one condemns one, one must condemn both.
I'm sorry, did I label someone as something in this thread and not remember doing it?
Any Christian who tries to justify violence, of any kind, as part of God's plan or path for his or herself, is VERY misinformed about what his plan really is and probably isn't the most sane person to start with. Also, I challenge anyone on this board to find me a passage in the New Testament, which is where we Christian's are in our beliefs, that condones any type of violence as being justified. If people that claim to be Christian EVER try and use the Old Testament as fodder for violence, then they are severely misinformed to being with and don't understand what their place is based on Biblical standards.